The GoGlobal Blog


History in Our Backyard

History in Our Backyard

Ciao everyone! How are you doing? It has been a few weeks since I last wrote to you and to be frank, not much has happened! After a great spring break trip that you can read about here, I actually got a really random and bad case of Tonsillitis, so there have been a lot …

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Taylor’s New Jumper

Taylor’s New Jumper

So, it’s that time again for me to update you on all of my adventures over here. Since coming back from Denmark, I’ve been keeping busy working on scenes and classes and that dreaded task of looking for an apartment and internship when I get back to Chicago.  But, I have had some fun, as …

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March Madness

March Madness

I know it has been awhile since I have last been able to blog but I have been slammed with both schoolwork and other crazy events. When I last checked in I was about to head off to Scotland. Scotland was 10 times more fun then I ever expected. To be honest, I had zero …

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Where Have I Been?

Where Have I Been?

It’s been a very long time since my last blog post, and for that I am truly sorry. Too busy having the time of my life? I suppose. But now that my excitement has died down and I have major essays looming, I thought I could squeeze in some updates…   So, how great is …

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Scotland & Ireland

Scotland & Ireland

Hello there! It’s been awhile, but I’ve been very busy traveling all over Western Europe! It has been quite the adventure and each place I’ve been has been so unique. Two weekends ago, I spent a long weekend in Edinburgh, Scotland. Edinburgh was full of history, local flair, so much nature. It was definitely my favorite …

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The Best of the Balkans

The Best of the Balkans

Spring break is over and I have some mixed feelings about it. I am sad that I am ending my beautiful travels in Eastern Europe but also surprisingly happy to be back in Rome and on campus. The everyday hustle and bustle of Rome can be a monotonous and overwhelming at times and this goes …

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How to Choose Your Summer Music Festival

How to Choose Your Summer Music Festival

Spring is upon us, and as such, so is music festival lineup season. If your favorite music festival hasn’t released its lineup schedule already, it will in the next month or two rest assured. But what about those who don’t have a favorite festival? How do you choose between two festivals that have almost identical …

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Vietnam’s Mekong River Delta

Vietnam’s Mekong River Delta

The Mekong River Delta in Southwest Vietnam is an exceptional corner of the world – the history, the scenery, and (of course) the food! I compiled several video clips from my weekend excursion to the Mekong Delta. The Loyola American students and our Vietnamese partners explored the Delta by bus, motor boat, wooden canoes, and …

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I LANDed in a place of peace, Sicily!

I LANDed in a place of peace, Sicily!

Start each day with the mentality that you will learn something, whether it be from the people around you, places you visit, or information distributed to you. Hold on to the understanding that your greatest education is not in the number of degrees you hold, but in the moments you truly experience. It’s measured by how often you take yourself …

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