The GoGlobal Blog


The Good, The Bad, and The Cross-Cultural Connections in Between

The Good, The Bad, and The Cross-Cultural Connections in Between

Many apologies for the length of time it has been since my last post. Life abroad can get very busy very quickly! Since I last posted, I have traveled to Turin, Milan, Pisa, Bologna, Florence, Tivoli, and Munich. I’ve also been caught up in the crazy pre-finals week/end of the year mess of homework, papers, …

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Scared to go back to my American data plan

Scared to go back to my American data plan

The most valuable thing I have learned while studying abroad hasn’t been how to plan trips, the Italian culture, or nine different languages at a two year old level… The most valuable thing I have learned while studying abroad is how to live in the now, how to be present. The other night fifteen of …

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Semana Santa in Sevilla

Semana Santa in Sevilla

Even though it was 3 weeks ago I thought it would be worthwhile to talk about it since it’s kinda a bit deal here. So what is it right? Semana Santa means Holy Week in Spanish and it’s a very religious celebration the whole week before Easter. This week is celebrated all around the world in Christian …

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“There’s a great big hunk of world down there with no fence around it!”

“There’s a great big hunk of world down there with no fence around it!”

-Lady and the Tramp (1955) This week, London Dramatic Academy was bomBARDed with Shakespeare. Get it? BARD. Hah. On Wednesday, we were treated to a performance of Cymbeline at the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse (an indoor version of Shakespeare’s own Globe Theatre). First of all, the space was incredible! It was a thrust stage with audience …

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It was officially my half way mark yesterday. Three months have past and three months to go here Santiago, Chile! It’s crazy to look back on how the time is flying and how much I have already done. It is about a month into school now and the work is starting to pile up. Papers, …

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Spring Break 2016

Spring Break 2016

I realized that after booking my flight to Milan and Paris for Spring Break 2016, every single previous Spring Break of my college career I traveled abroad, so it was no surprise to me that I was going to travel again this time around. During my freshman year I participated in the Rome Start program …

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北京再见 Goodbye Beijing…서울에 오신 것을 환영합니다 Welcome to Seoul!

北京再见 Goodbye Beijing…서울에 오신 것을 환영합니다 Welcome to Seoul!

After the excursion, sadly I got the flu. I had to go to the hospital multiple times to get medicine and whatnot. For that next week and a half I didn’t really do much since I was pretty out of it. After my recovery, we then had midterms week. During midterms week my Chinese Medicine …

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Solitude and Simplicity in Assisi

Solitude and Simplicity in Assisi

On Saturday, April 2, I had the privilege of traveling to Assisi, Italy with a group of students and student life assistants from the John Felice Rome Center. The Assisi Pilgrimage, one of the many study trips offered by my school this semester, begins at the break of dawn Saturday morning and culminates with a …

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