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Berlin & Prague

Berlin & Prague

Hello again!

Yesterday I made my valiant returned from a six day mini vacation (from my semester-long vacation) in Germany and the Czech Republic! I am absolutely beat (my FitBit tells me we walked the equivalent of two full marathons over the week!) but the trip was another great one for the books.

This trip was a little different from some of the others I’ve talked about in that I went with only one other person. It was a really nice change from a larger group setting because we found we had parallel interests and conversation to last easily six years. Also, it’s worth noting that he can read a paper map with enviable ease which, thankfully, offsets my own fairly incompetent navigational system.

I brought my limited Deutsch to the table on this trip. Did I impress anyone with harsh syllables or well placed umlauts? No. But did I have fun remembering a few things from high school German years? Definitely.

Anyway, without further ado, welcome to the photo documentation of everything I did ever in Berlin and Prague!



– walking tour of the city (where we saw the Brandenburg Gate, Checkpoint Charlie, the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, the Berlin Wall, Konzerthaus Berlin, and many other places)

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– Museum Bode on Museum Island


– German Parliament – Reichstag dome (which was heavier on security than some airports I’ve been in lately)

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-pub crawl of Alternative Berlin (where we very unsuccessfully played Around the World ping pong and got stuck in an elevator!)

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-Tiergarten (where we collapsed in the sun with Haagen-Dazs)

-Berlin Victory Column (spiraling up 300+ stairs has become a weekly activity over here)

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-East Side Gallery (where we joined the masses in a quick photo shoot)

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-Memorial Church and its new, very photogenic, counterpart


-ate delicious burgers, towers of brunch, and, of course,wienerschnitzel

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We took a day trip to Prague via train. It was certainly not without roadblocks (nothing seems to be with me 😉 ) but we got there and got a little taste of the very visually appealing Czech Republic!

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Finally, we spent an afternoon at the memorial site of the concentration camp Sachsenhausen, outside of Berlin. This was a very special and harrowing experience.  The memorial site reinforced the importance of remembering the dark pieces of human history and it really reminded me of just how lucky I am to be free of persecution today. Our day specifically was very special, as we chose to visit on 22.04.15- on the 75th anniversary of the camps liberation. Survivors of Sachsenhausen had returned to the site for the anniversary and were dressed in their uniforms in order to pay homage to those who died in them. There were many events throughout the day to celebrate the liberation and to honor the dead.

Although it wasn’t a pleasant day, it was an important site to experience and one that I am thankful to have had the opportunity to understand.

Overall, I have decided that Berlin is a really great place and that it is very different from Munich, a city I once visited in 2012. Germany is a little behind the times in some aspects of normal life and it was very nice to slow down for awhile and go off the grid. Thanks Berlin and Prague for all the fun!!

Until the next adventure,


10 Things I hate about Rome

10 Things I hate about Rome

I sit on the second floor of the library looking at the covers of books around me and find myself stumbling upon an English Italian dictionary when I really should be packing. Without any purpose, I flip to a random page in hopes of gaining knowledge of something in which I didn’t already know, but mostly to get my mind off of the fact that in three days I will be getting on a plane without a return ticket to Rome. I find my eyes meeting one word, perfect. “Perfect: having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.” First and only thing that pops in my head is the place around me, the place in which I’m soon to be leaving, Rome.

I find myself thinking back on the last 4 months, thinking of all the components that made up this experience. I think of the amount of trees I could have saved if Ryan Air didn’t make me print out my boarding pass each time I left for another country. I think of the calories I could have deducted if I didn’t go for that second gelato flavor multiple times a week. I think of the amount of shoes I could have worn for years if I hadn’t spent months walking numerous marathons along the cobblestone streets. I think about the amount of years I have added to my life because I spend my days laughing. Then, I think of how one day can change everything.

No place is perfect. Every city has a construction zone, a homeless population, trash in places other than a garbage can, bad weather, and tactics that you will never be able to understand. Every city also has its own specialty food item, generous individuals, a unique culture, and lingo that is unlike the rest. Places everywhere all have a foundation made up by the same principles. Although some have roads of concrete, while others place cobblestones under your feet, or some prefer carbs to healthy options all are fundamentally the same. Each place is different, but what makes the place I’ve come to call home so unique?

With the start of my last week already in full swing, I begin to attempt to justify that Rome cannot be perfect, and that although I have only raved about my experience studying abroad there is something I must truly hate about it. I think and think and think about the 100 days, about the board in the entrance of the John Felice Rome Center with everyone’s selfie on it from the first moment we walked on campus, about how my feet left footprints in 14 countries, about how when waking up in a week I will no longer be in Room 237 with Allison and how when getting on the airplane across the Atlantic I expected nothing.

I think back on the word “perfect” and look around me in hopes of coming up with something I hate. I’m brought to tears and nothing can stop it.


1. I hate that it’s a Roman tradition to have a Siesta.

 For now I’ve come accustom to never going out from 1 to 3pm everyday because I know every tabacchi, restaurant and store will be closed. I must accept that I can’t get a take away pizza down the hill from my favorite place, pick up pear juice from Simply or get my prescription from the pharmacy because it’s a time for everyone to take a break from the motions of everyday and relax because life deserves a break at times, just so you can keep going. It holds the intention of being a time when workers can take off in the middle of their workday to go home and enjoy time with their family, take a nap so they are fully ready to go out later that night before walking home at sunrise, and smoke a pack of cigarettes. It means that for the rest of my life when seeing 1pm on the clock I will think of the streets of Roman neighborhoods being empty and windows filled with families joined together in perfect harmony. No other place in the world does it, but Rome finds it necessary. It’s 120 minutes when everyone gets the chance to realize that work isn’t everything, that life isn’t about who’s more successful or makes the most money, that you must take time to reward yourself each day for your accomplishments, and that home is everything.


2. I hate that when sitting down for dinner you already know its going to take three hours.

Italians do not believe in eating quickly or eating little meals and find it necessary to include multiple courses for dinner, although they understand in taking calories that late in the day stay with you. Meals are not intended to be rushed, but instead are there to be savored. Due to this habit in Italy, it forces me to enjoy every bit of the food placed in front of me from the antipasti of bruschetta to the pasta dish followed by meat and potatoes to ending with a shot of lemonchello. It’s allowed me to experience the best food the world has to offer and taste each spice that comes my way. It’s given me Buffeta Pizza that literally has taken a pizza my heart, gelato crawls where I’ve experienced 18 flavors in one afternoon, and vino straight from the vines of Tuscany. Italy’s food has reminded me to not count my calories, but count my blessings. It’s not a time for rushing, but holds the intention of truly enjoying all aspects of life that others seem to forget. At the end of what can be a very eventful and busy day, it’s a time when I am reminded of how fortunate I truly am. Of how I have never ending amazing food placed in front of me when others around the world go hungry, about how it’s a time to get to know those sitting around the table with you because God brought them into your life for a reason, and about how in that moment everything is forgotten, except for what’s right in front of you so you must fully experience it. It’s a new habit that’s made my stomach, heart and mind nourished.


3. I hate that the words “Rome” and “Roam” sound the same.

For before even entering this city you know what you’re in for: a lot of walking and unknown destinations. The buses seem to only work when the drivers feel like it, so you’re forced to walk if you want to get anywhere. This without realizing it is the greatest blessing Roma has to offer. It not only allows you to embrace the carbs you are in taking because you walk a marathon daily, but enjoy life the way were all suppose to. It forces you to see every detail around you from the trees blossoming with wisteria, to the kids running in the school playgrounds, to the street performers playing the accordion, to the people riding four wheeled bikes in Villa Borghese. It allows you to feel the air around you, hear the joys of life through strangers, and see the world as it is from the cobble stone walkways. It reminds you that your destination is not a place, but a way of seeing things. It’s Rome’s special way of being. Rome gives you the beauty of roaming allowing you to accept that you are never lost, but simply going to the destination you didn’t know you were meant to be at. It encourages you to wander and see the adventure we all seek. It reminds you that life is one great adventure full of endless possibilities. It’s a constant example of one word having two meanings that constantly intertwine. It’s special to put it simply.


4. I hate that no matter where you are in the city you can always see the Vatican.

I’ve been given the opportunity to attend 6 Papal Audience Events, multiple masses in different churches around the city, and see people called to the religious rite daily. I’ve purchased rosaries in the bunches, said prayers in St. Peter’s Basilica, served God’s people through the Panini distributions on Fridays, been blessed by Papa Francesco and gotten lost in the beauty of the Sistine Chapel. I’ve completed the “To Do List” of all religious things in Rome, but found that while living here anywhere I go, I’ve been reminded to see God in all things; for if I turn to the right angle I can see the tip of the Vatican from any point in the city. Every day without trying, I’m reminded of how good my life has been due to God making it possible and how seeing the world is the greatest gift I’ve received. By living here I’ve been given a new appreciation of the religious component of my life and strengthened my relationship with Him and his people. I’ve seen the gifts God has given me in the center of the Catholic Church found within the walls of Vatican City and even through a little keyhole on top of Aventino Hill on the opposite end of the city. God has made me a part of this world that’s filled with beauty and I have full faith that wherever it takes me is where I’m meant to be. My current place of living has been the key of reminding me to stop my worries, praise the goodness of life and have faith in the world around me daily. It’s the Eternal City, reminding you that there’s more to life than what you’re living.


 5. I hate that Italian is the only language I hear.

There are three languages of love in this world, all of which I’ve learned at some point in my 20 years of living, but only one has been spoken while I’m dreaming. Italian, a language unlike any other because its hand motions are just as important as the words one is stating. Its sentences are faster than taxis; every vowel is emphasized no matter where it is placed and without trying it always sounds like you’re happy. I hate that I’ve learned Italian, for now I feel so connected to where I am that I can’t get myself to accept that I am leaving. Because of the knowledge I’ve gained by adapting to a world with a whole new vocabulary I’ve been given the opportunity to actually connect to the people and feel a part of the country. It’s not a place that even speaks broken English because it’s so absorbed in sticking with the Italian tradition that it brings you in as if you you’re one of them because you’re forced to try to speak it even if you came knowing nothing. By learning Italian I’ve learned the true Italian way and feel like I’m no longer a visitor, but one myself. It may not be my heritage, but has become a large part of who I am.


6. I hate my address being Via Massimi instead of one in the heart of the city.

By being placed on the top of the hill in Monte Mario looking down on the center of the city, I’ve seen Italy in a completely different way. Tourists see Rome, I see that and the neighborhood of Balduina with the locals smoking cigarettes at the bar at the corner of the street, with the workers at the grocery store Simply that ask if you have change for that 50 Euro every time you walk in, with the running path filled with Romans in parkas in the middle of spring. I see Rome from the neighborhood and that’s given me an even better reason to love it. I don’t live with tourists. I live with natives. I wait in the same Pizza e Kebab line they do, I go to the Tabacchi to get AS Roma tickets weeks before the games, I take the 913 or 990 down the hill into the city. I see Via Massimi and look for the green gates leading to the olive garden and orange trees, I make my way to the big brick building filled with all the friends I’ve come to call family and think of home knowing that at the end of every day that’s where life will lead me.

If it wasn’t for living on Via Massimi I wouldn’t have my own Roman Family for it’s forced me to come to know the 235 people living with me. Rome was the location of this experience, but the people who made memories with me were the reason why it gave my life so much meaning. It’s as if God brought together the top 200 individuals in this world and brought them into my life. I’ve yet to figure out why I got so lucky! Because of the members of the John Felice Rome Center community Via Massimi became more than address, it was home, but not just me, but everyone who had a key.


7. I hate that Rome is centered around Piazzas.

It shows that Rome’s more than a bunch of sites and is centered around people coming together regardless of their differences. It was the first thing while being here that made me feel like a Roman. I had my Peroni in hand, found myself sitting on the steps overlooking a neighborhood and simply observing, taking everything I can in. There’s Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere filled with young people every night of the week bar hopping, there’s Piazza Navona crowded with tourists, restaurants and struggling artists, there’s Piazza di Spagna with flowers and groups of people lounging overlooking Via del Corso filled with people and shopping bags, there’s Trevi where all those with wishes find themself at, and there’s Piazza Cavour with people leaning on the palm trees in front of the courthouse. When navigating around Rome one finds themself using Piazza’s as their benchmark, for they are all unique found in different neighborhoods all known for something completely different. Whatever neighborhood you go into, you find something that gives it meaning. You take 5 minutes of your day and automatically discover what it is that makes that area so unique. You are welcomed into Rome’s core of bringing people together and without realizing it get lost in the music of the street performers, variety of people, and ancient beauty. It welcomes you with open arms and shows you that there’s more to Rome than just the buildings.


8. I hate that ruins out number the amount of people.

For you can’t appreciate where you’re going, until you know where you’ve been. Rome reminds you that you must cherish the past because it made you into what you are today. It brings history into your life every time you turn the corner and gives you a whole new view of what the world used to be. It makes you neighbors with the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Julius Caesar and Augustus. It reminds you that so many people came before you that have effected where you are standing right in this moment and it reminds you of what effect you will have. It’s like signing up for a history lesson every time you want an espresso, and gives you a resting place at the homes of ancient cities and world leaders. It takes you back centuries and ruins everything you know, giving life a whole knew outlook and meaning. It’s Rome and without trying, if you look at the rubble you can’t help, but get a whole new outlook on where the world has been.

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9. I hate that when looking at a map it’s close to so many other countries.

Greece. Hungary. Slovenia. Denmark. Sweden. Spain. Czech Republic. Germany. The Netherlands. Belgium. France. Austria. Serbia. Italy.

It’s because of Rome that I’ve been given the opportunity to see the goodness of each of these countries, to not see the world from a map, but with my own eyes, my own feet, my own being. I’ve seen all regions of the country I’ve come to call my own, enjoying Chianti Classico in Tuscany, Michaelangelo’s David in Florence, the views of the sea from Cinque Terre, the postcard perfect southern delight that is the Amalfi Coast, written my letter to Juliette in Verona, held up the leaning tower of Pisa, watched Mount Edna erupt in Sicily, enjoyed a gondola ride in Venice, saw glass being made on the island of Murano, explored the hometown of Leonardo di Vinci, saw the most colorful houses in the world off the island of Burano, walked through the 17 towns that made up Siena and ate what many would consider the best pizza in the world from Naples. I explored the country I’ve come to call home and realized just how special it is to have an address with my name on it in Italy. In between all of this I found myself spontaneously planning trips around Europe landing my feet in different countries with different groups of people almost every weekend. It wasn’t to see how many places I could go within a four-month period, but more that the travel bug bit me when arriving and I couldn’t find a cure to the disease. I fell in love with the life I was living, the cities I discovered, and people I was meeting. I left a piece of my heart all around Europe and changed the course I thought my life would be taking. I’ve left Rome for the Acropolis, thermal baths, Nyhavn, Swedish meatballs, the works of Gaudi, the John Lennon Wall for peace, canals of Amsterdam, World War II, Belgium waffles, the Eiffel Tower, classical music, and family. I traveled not to escape life, but for life not to escape me. Because of Rome, I was given more than a home, I was given the world having the opportunity of a lifetime to experience it fully.


10. But mostly, I hate the way I could never hate Rome, no matter how hard I tried because it made me into the person I’ve always wanted to be.

Gandhi once said “be the change you wish to see in the world”, but how can you change the world if you haven’t seen it? I came into this experience thinking it was my opportunity to change the world, but instead it changed me.

I came in search of finding the world’s greatest foods, hidden gems, and roads less traveled, but instead found myself, what made me happiest, and why it is life is worth living. I just went and saw everything around me, met as many different people as I could, followed maps to their edges and then kept going. I never had a plan, but somewhere in between the airplanes, endless nights out, pesto gnocchi, multiple introductions, becoming the “social butterfly” of JFRC, 4th glass of vino, winning the Calcio League Championship with team Rosa and Italian speaking 4 months happened. This adventure awaited me and I’m so fortunate that I found it. I owe everything to this city, to the people who experience these past four months with me, to the John Felice Rome Center, and to my family. I experienced the world to it’s fullest and lived a life far better than my dreams, I’m still in denial that this is ending but will forever cherish the laughs, lessons, experiences and unforgettable memories for as long as I live. Life was meant to be one great adventure, and this was mine.

It took one day in the Eternal City for it to have my heart for an eternity. Rome became my home and will always be with me for it gave me life a whole new meaning and made me into the person I’ve always wanted to be.

Ciao for now as I enjoy my last few days in the city

that’s given “Gabs Great Adventure” all its meaning,

Gabriella Lunich

All good things must come to an end

All good things must come to an end

The past few weeks have been a blur of last-minute sightseeing, nights out with friends, and studying for final exams (yes, we actually study here).

In calcio news…Celeste rocked this season! We made it to the final four, but didn’t make it to the championship game. However, I’ll make the bold statement that we had the BEST game of the season against Rosa in the playoffs. We tied it up at the end, and went straight into a very intense shootoff. Each team went through all of its players, because the goalies were stopping every shot with ease. I was so nervous when it was my turn to kick, but I managed to make a decent shot! A few friends came up to me afterwards and told me they had a feeling that if anyone was going to shockingly win the game out of nowhere, it would have been me. I’m generally terrible at soccer, so that would have been hilarious. Rosa’s goalie ended up making the winning goal, disappointingly, but I had fun sitting in the stands to watch the playoff game without any pressure. I never knew how intense reffing could be until I saw Byron sprinting around out there on the field with his Macklemore haircut.

On Thursday, the JFRC had its end-of-the-year banquet. It’s also known as “JFRC Prom.” We all got dressed up and took pictures before hopping on the busses to a nice restaurant where we were immediately handed prosecco and various cocktails. The party busses were fun: We jammed to hits including the Remix to Ignition and “All Star” by Smash Mouth. Classic. Sander made one last profound and nonsensical toast at the banquet, superlatives were awarded, and academic achievements were recognized. The food and wine, as usual, were wonderful. My favorite dishes were the risotto with a hint of mushroom, and, of course, the tiramisu. The party busses dropped us off at Piazza Cavour after the banquet, letting us loose on the city. Rome was our playground. I had a delicious cocktail at Bar del Fico that tasted like Jolly Ranchers, and then headed with a big group of people to a club called Shari Vari, where we danced the night away. I fended off creepy Italian men with a sexy dance move that involves vigorous elbowing, and Melanie gave the insulting bartender a dose of his own harassment. I’ve learned that the later I’m out, the more feminist I become. There are worse personas to take on, I suppose. We had a tame night compared to some other JForcers – but I’ll leave them to tell their own crazy stories.

On Friday, my acting class had our performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. I can’t lie – I was so proud of myself! I get really nervous when I have to speak in public, let alone act in front of my peers and administrators, but I went out there, remembered (most of) my lines, and had so much fun playing Puck. It was such an invigorating experience, and I think it shows just a sliver of the confidence I’ve gained this semester. SLA Mitch asked me at lunch yesterday if I’ve ever acted before, because apparently it seems like it!

There were a lot of lazy afternoons this month where I passed time just lying out in the courtyard with friends, hanging out and making flower crowns out of the daisies. Earlier in the month, JFRC had a karaoke night. I sang a couple times with friends and adequately embarrassed myself. Tonight, I plan on doing the same at our usual haunt for a good night of karaoke, Scholars’ Bar. One Sunday, I went to Porta Portese (a huge market in Trastevere) and spent the morning haggling for the best prices on knick-knacks, gifts, and clothes. Gab, Mel and I started filming for our Italian project there, and it got ridiculous. Another morning, I climbed to the top of St. Peter’s Basilica where I sat overlooking Vatican City, overcome by inspiration. “Wait” by M83 was stuck in my head as I journaled there and reflected on life. Another weekend, I took a day trip to Villa D’Este in Tivoli with a group of friends. We laughed a ton, climbed a mountain that was topped with a giant cross, and ran all the way back down. I also went to the top of the Vittorio Emmanuele monument one day, because that’s what you do on a normal afternoon in Rome. I visited the Knights of Malta keyhole and the mouth of truth, spent time eating gelato in front of the Pantheon, had the best pizza ever at Dar Poeta and discovered the pleasures of “pear pasta.” I chatted with friends over aperitivo at 8 millimetri in Trastevere. On Easter, I went to Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica and watched Pope Francis roll around in his Pope-mobile and give a blessing from the balcony. I’ve had a busy month.

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View from the top of St. Peter’s dome.


dar poeta
Buffala pizza from Dar Poeta

Last week, I went to a place called Bar Canova for aperitivo. It sits right on Piazza del Popolo, and it’s the place Federico Fellini (director of La Dolce Vita) frequented when he was in Rome. I also attended the Great Italian Opera, which left me absolutely stunned. I’ve never heard anything like it! Afterwards, Bri and I romped around the city. We found the spot where you can get the closest to St. Ignatius’ body and talked about how much he inspires us with his revelry-turned-sainthood. We had a heart-to-heart next to the cat sanctuary, then symbolically stuffed all of our problems into a wine bottle and threw them away. Not too long after that, I lost my iPhone – I think someone grabbed it out of my purse as I walked through a crowded pub to go to the bathroom. As much as it sucked to lose such a valuable item, I think this was in some ways a blessing. Since then, I’ve been able to really open my eyes to what’s around me. I’m not preoccupied with finding WiFi, looking at directions, or taking pictures. I experience Rome as it’s happening in the moment. For my friend Kenzie’s birthday, we visited a place where they serve liquor in chocolate glasses. Another time, I went to San Calisto with Bri, Regan, Ali, Melanie, and Gabrielle. Some of us bought a Peroni and walked around the streets of Trastevere sipping on beer – I’m going to miss that so much! We went to Fries, as American study abroad students do, and then went to Baccanale. And then we went to Vibe, a club under Villa Borghese. The music was too rave-y for me, but the dancing was fun as usual.

On the tenth of April, I took a day trip to Capri with Melanie and Gabrielle for Melanie’s birthday. We took a boat tour around the island and went into the Blue Grotto. Needless to say, it was incredible! The water was bluer than I knew was possible. To get into the grotto, we had to switch into a rowboat. We got a student discount because they thought we were in high school – perks of looking young, I guess. The rowboat guy had to swing us in with a rope, and we laid flat in the boat to avoid hitting our heads on the tiny entrance to the cave. He and the other rowboaters sang an ethereal Italian song as we rowed around in the darkness, the water faintly glowing blue from the reflection of the sun outside. Later, we sat on rocks on the beach and ate our sack lunches overlooking the water. As one must when in Capri, we indulged in some Limoncello and melted Kinder eggs. We then took a cable car up to the top of the island, grabbed some gelato, and wandered through tiny winding paths through white houses that looked like they belonged in Southern Greece. We finally found our way to a park with a spectacular view, parked ourselves on a bench, and relished in how thrilled and thankful we were to be there.

Capri, Rome 049
Rowing in the glowing Blue Grotto.

Last night, Melanie and I went out for celebratory “We’re done with finals” gelato at Frigidarium (or, as she calls it, FrigidariDAMN). We then went to a wine bar called Cul de Sac, where we posted up for nearly four hours, talking, drinking delicious wine, and discovering the joys of pate while watching people scurry about in the pouring rain. It was much deserved after having slaved away at studying the previous few nights. When we got back to JFRC, we joined a crew headed our for cocktails and nachos atFoodoo, where we had more deep discussions – including the very profound recapping of our favorite Disney Channel Original movies from childhood.

I’ve been waking up in a panic for the past few days, because I can’t believe my time at JFRC is coming to an end. I never thought the end would come, and here it is. There were times throughout this semester when I wanted nothing more than to hop on the first plane back to the United States. Homesickness made me hate Rome for a few weeks. There’s trash and dog crap everywhere, the bus can take over an hour to even show up, and seeing the same 250 people every single day can get on your nerves. The carbs were getting to my waistline and I never seemed to have the time or energy to go to the gym. My clothes didn’t fit and I felt like I didn’t fit in. Nutella started making me sick. I didn’t realize it then, but what I was experiencing was culture shock. But now that I’ve reached the end of the semester, I’m so grateful I didn’t go home. I’ve found a new home here. I’ve made friends who will last a lifetime, I’ve had the best gelato ever made, and I’ve seen all that I came to see in this corner of the world. I stumbled across confidence when I had just given up on finding it. The JFRC feels like a secret club because I can’t possibly explain the journey I’ve gone through physically, emotionally and spiritually. I opened myself up to God and came to better understand Catholicism. I hit some terribly low points here; but I also bought a symbolic “I-survived-Baccanale-this-time” tank top.  The culture shock meeting I went to last week put the fear of God into me: SLA Chandni was explaining to us how we can experience intense Romesickness and a painful adjustment period when we return home to the States. Other peoples’ lives have moved on while we were away, and sometimes I might feel lonely when I find myself in groups of people who don’t know what I’ve experienced here. They won’t know that Secret Bakery is bae, and they won’t know the joys of almost getting run over by a Vespa or Fiat every time you cross the street. Keeping in touch with my Rome amici will help immensely – we’ve already planned aperitivo nights, pick-up calcio games, and frequent JFRC reunions. I’m so thankful for the SLAs who have looked out for me this semester, for the professors who showed us the world in the context of Rome (shout-out to my homie Professor John Nicholson – you rock that beanie!), and for the friends who’ve been there for me through it all. You inspired me endlessly, shaped the best memories, and helped me fall madly in love with Rome. I can’t wait to see what our next Great Adventures will be.

Never ciao – just see you later! …Or “Arrividerch.”

The Beginning of the End

The Beginning of the End

As May begins, so does my final month abroad. In a few short weeks I will back in the US,  and while there are some things I am looking forward to- seeing friends, my dog, eating Skyline and Graeters, and of course, reuniting with my family- there are so many things I am leaving behind. I have been fortunate enough to truly see almost all of Ireland. This past weekend I took my final Ireland trip, as I headed up north to Belfast. Before we reached Belfast though, Marypaz and I finally had our government weekend. However, as soon as we walked to the bus stop in Cork we realized that we had booked our tickets backwards (to Cork from Dublin instead of to Dublin from Cork) but Irish hospitably never ceases to amaze me, as the driver let us both on anyway and said he would call the office so our tickets would be correct for the journey back. We arrived in Dublin early on Friday and planned on touring the Dail (Ireland’s parliament) but unfortunately Parliament was in session so there were no tours. Next, we visited Kilmainham Gaol, which is the jail in Dublin which is infamously known for the killing of the 14 leaders of the Easter Rising. Touring the jail was eerie and while most of the information from the tour were facts and stories we had already learned from our Irish Politics class, it was still unreal to see the jail and firing squad sites first-hand. After the jail tour we went back into Dublin where we met up with a few friends and spent a night out at a local Dublin club– Coppers (there’s the shoutout you wanted Marypaz).

awesome mural in Dublin to promote marriage equality!
front of Kilmainham Gaol


Marypaz and I then woke up the next morning bright and early at 9am, seeing as we had to check out of our hostel at 10, we figured we had the whole day ahead of us. Our plan was to tour the outdoor stadium– Croke Park. However, as soon as we walked outside, in true Irish fashion, it was pouring down rain. We both had our big backpacking backpacks with us, and no desire to spend the day outside in the rain with our backpacks on. So with 4 hours to kill until we needed to catch the bus up to Malahide, where we were meeting Shane and his car, we had no game plan. Logically, Marypaz and I spent our final 4 hours in Dublin loitering in a variety of shops until we could catch a bus. We first started in a small mom and pop breakfast restaurant, where we spent an hour before we realized we had to leave. We then spent an hour in Starbucks, followed by 30 minutes in Penney’s and 30 minutes in Carroll’s, until our time was up and we went to catch the bus. Needless to say, we were a bit embarrassed but our spirits were lifted once a little boy on the bus asked us if we had just come from the mountains because of our backpacks.

Once we met up with Shane, we took our 2 hour ride up North. We arrived at our Airbnb in a nice college area outside of Belfast, and ate some pulled pork sandwiches for dinner. (Something that I had mentioned hours earlier that I had been craving, so I guess luck was finally on our side). Up North, I was able to see the beautiful capital of Northern Ireland, some peace murals that coated brick walls outside the city, and was able to go an hour outside Belfast, up to the tip of Northern Ireland where I was able to see Giants Causeway. Giants Causeway is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and 100% deserves all the recognition that it receives.


The trip up to Northern Ireland only reinforced how beautiful the island of Ireland is and how lucky I have been to spend the past 4 months here. While I don’t leave Cork until May 25th, my month of May is packed with European adventures, meaning that my days in Cork are numbered. My long time friend from home Kitty, along with her roommate Jess arrive here tomorrow. Once they have a few days to settle, we gear up for 2 weeks of traveling together, and our itinerary is packed. We fly out of Dublin early on May 6th and then travel to Copenhagen, Berlin, Krakow, Prague, Vienna, and finally Budapest. We are staying in hostels and Airbnbs, taking night trains and buses, and surviving out of a backpack until we return to Cork on May 20th. Leaving me just 5 remaining days in a country that has become my second home.

While I can barely contain my excitement for the travels that lay ahead, as these are all cities I have never been to but can’t wait to visit, I know my leaving on May 6th is bittersweet. While I am returning to Cork, when I get back, the number of people waiting for me will have severely dwindled. My group of 10 friends who have been with me every step of the way during this great study abroad adventure, are also departing on their own journeys. When I get back May 20th, I will return to 2 of my favorite people, but everyone else will either be on their way home or traveling in Europe as well. This all means that our big goodbye is happening sooner than expected. Tomorrow we will be having our final gathering where I am sure there will be many hugs and a few tears, because I don’t know what I’m going to do without having these people around me 24/7 (because they all were around me practically 24/7). But never fear, because we did of course make matching t-shirts and have reunions planned (ye better be coming to Chicago).

I won’t end on too sappy of a note, because while this is the beginning of the end, it is still a beginning. I have many many adventures ahead of me and my study abroad days are not over yet!

Wales! Hampton Court! London! [oh my]

Wales! Hampton Court! London! [oh my]

Hi y’all!!

I am officially in my LAST MONTH of study abroad!!! So busy, so sad, so excited, so …poor? 🙂 Don’t worry though, I still have a few last tricks and trips up my sleeve! I’m considering this last month as the sudden death round of my semester in London (as in, I may suddenly die from exhaustion before I make it back to America) and I certainly will be taking advantage of each day.

I have been into all sorts of shenanigans these past two weeks….


I took a roadtrip over to Wales for the day on Saturday and completed my rotation of the United Kingdom countries. As with Scotland, Ireland, and England, rain accompanied me. However, a little bit of mist does wonders to the ambiance of a castle.

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On the way up to Wales from London, we passed through the Welsh valleys. The fields were absolutely littered with these beautiful yellow flowers and so many sheep. We also did a little sightseeing of Cardiff, the capital of Wales. We (oddly) drove by the local prison, a few nice gardens, a freshwater wharf of some sort, a large castle in the middle of the town, and the church where Robert Dahl (author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) was baptized. Wales is a strange place.

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Today, I took a train down to Hampton Court with my international program for a fun day trip outside of London. I’ll spare you the history lesson of the Palace and supply a few buzzwords: King Henry VIII, Tudor period, beautiful gardens, maze (!!), Anne Boleyn, and ice cream (irrelevant to the Palace but delicious all the same). The Palace was very interactive and we spent a sunny afternoon lounging in the gardens. King Henry VIII knew how to live royally! We ended the day with an always delightful Sunday Roast (on Monday, since it was a bank holiday).

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As per usual, I have been practically sprinting all over London. Just a few things I have done in the past couple of weeks:

-attended an event at the HarperCollins offices next to the Shard (!!!!)

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– art galleries and exhibitions

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-London Coffee festival (most of my pictures are unfocused on account of I drank 12 beautiful cups of coffee/ espresso before noon)

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– met this guy at the Grant Museum of Zoology


-caught some gorgeous aerials of London from the Sky Garden and a few great views from street level along Regents Canal

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I also went to five thousand markets, ate some really awesome food (I’m lookin at you Camden Market and Wing Street), and sat in parks thinking up ways to pawn my plane ticket and stay forever.              (just kidding Mom)

Anyway! Until next time!




Food. One of the main reasons I wanted to study abroad in Vietnam. Hello… Vietnamese food is delicious! I must be honest about a few things:

Surprisingly, I do not crave “American” food! I find myself craving Vietnamese dishes over macaroni and cheese or whatever it is that we Americans eat. Now, don’t get me wrong, I miss my mama’s cookin’ and other Southern food, but interestingly enough I have found some similar dishes and ingredients that subside my nostalgia for Mississippi cookin’.

I have not encountered a dish that I absolutely hate or cannot eat. Granted, I’m not a picky eater, so I am fortunate in that aspect. This is not to say that there are dishes that I’m not crazy about… of course! But, every dish has been different and great!

Enough about me, (I’m alive and well Mom and Dad)… now, about Vietnamese food. I believe the dishes here are so incredible because most vendors only serve one dish; therefore, focusing on, specializing in, and perfecting a single dish.

Another reason the food is so delicious, there are no preservatives! Vendors prepare enough food for the day and that is all. There are no freezers, either. Once the daily prepared food has sold out – that’s it… the vendor closes shop for the day.

Here are some dishes that I recommend trying while traveling to Vietnam: (Please note: these dishes are primarily based in Saigon or Southern Vietnam aka the Southern dialect. These dishes may have different names or may not be available in the North.)

Bún thịt nướng

Literally translated means “rice noodles with grilled meat”. This dish consists of rice vermicelli noodles topped with grilled pork, a fried spring roll, peanuts, pickled carrots, bean sprouts, lettuce, and fresh herbs like mint and basil. Typically, the locals drizzle fish sauce over the dish then mix everything together before eating. I love the sweet, savory, and herby flavor.IMG_3635
Bánh mì

The term “Bánh mì” is a Vietnamese baguette, which can be used for sandwiches or as a vehicle for transferring broth to your mouth! I have grown too accustomed to enjoying these delicacies on a regular basis. They are delicious and readily available at all times of the day and night. This French-inspired sandwich is served on a split baguette with an array of toppings depending on which vendor you choose. Typical ingredients include: mayonnaise, pate, sliced pickled carrots and daikon, cucumber slices, sprigs of cilantro, tuong ot (Vietnamese chili sauce… NOT Sriracha), sprinkle of soy sauce, and chili pepper slices if you please. My go-tos include Bánh mì Heo Quay (Baguette with rotisserie pork) and Bánh mì Op La (Baguette with fried egg).




Cơm tấm sườn nướng

This dish is very simple but absolutely delicious. It consists of broken rice, a thin, grilled pork chop, a fried egg, cucumbers, tomatoes, and fish sauce on the side.IMG_7218Bún chả

I think this dish is so fun to eat! You have freedom to eat it however you please. Essentially you are served the ingredients necessary to form either a bowl of noodles, a lettuce wrap, or a salad. Holy options! This dish includes: white rice noodles, fatty grilled pork in sour sauce, pickled vegetables in same sauce as meat, a huge plate of fresh herbs like mint and basil, lettuce leaves, and fish sauce.

Each part of the dish is served separately so you can feel free to mix, roll, and wrap as you please.


Bít tết

This heavier meal translates to “beefsteak” and is the ultimate meat and potatoes kind of meal. This thin beef meat has no bones and has a very simple marinate then cooked in a cast iron skillet with pate and an egg. This dish also comes with fried potatoes, salad/fresh vegetables such as onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, and lettuce, and on the side is Bánh mì (just the baguette, not the sandwich) to sop up the delicious pan drippings. Yum!


Bún riêu

A crab-based rice vermicelli soup with clumps of boiled crab meat, coagulated pig’s blood, shrimp, and tomato. The broth is a very special part to this dish. According to a Vietnamese friend, the broth is made by muddling crab meat for nearly an hour. Then, once you muddle “a lot, a lot” of crab meat, the result is a delicious crab paste. You then strain the crab paste and use this as the main ingredient for the broth… yum. The crab meat is added later on for boiling and as a result floats to the top of the soup. These floating bits of crab meat having absorbed the crab broth flavors are my favorite part.




Bún ốc

Sea snail soup served with vermicelli noodles, tomatoes, fried tofu, coagulated pork blood. At first glance, this dish has similar ingredients to Bún riêu but the main ingredients and broths are completely different – trade the crab for sea snails.



Bún bò Huế

This dish originates from Huế – a city in the central region that was the imperial capital city of Vietnam during the Nguyen dynasty. An assortment of ingredients here includes thinly sliced beef, coagulated pig’s blood, oxtail in some cases, boiled beef shanks, and rice vermicelli noodles. This dish has tremendous flavor! It is often served with lime wedges, fresh herbs like cilantro, basil, mint, banana blossoms, cabbage, and so on…



Hủ Tiếu 

This specific type of Hu Tieu is called Hu Tieu Nam Vang. Another noodle dish that can be served with or without broth and this particular dish consists of shrimp, lean meat, pig heart, liver, quail egg, bean sprouts, chives, thread noodles and broth that is made with broth from pork bones.


Phở Bò/Gà

If you have heard of Vietnam, you have most likely heard of Phở which is pronounced (Fuuh). It is absolutely delicious and the perfect meal for breakfast. (WHAT??) Seriously. I have grown accustom to eating a warm bowl of rice noodles, delectable broth, fresh herbs, and chicken or beef. My favorite pho is from the northern part of Vietnam; however, the southern version is not shabby either!



More dishes for your viewing pleasure:



Mi Quang



Bo Kho

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A Thank You Letter to Ireland

A Thank You Letter to Ireland

I know I was supposed to write a blog post about my two weeks of travel that I returned back to Cork from on the 20th. Those weeks were two of the most fantastic I have ever experienced, traveling to Copenhagen, Berlin, Krakow, Prague, Vienna, and Budapest, opened my eyes to so many new cultures and new experiences, I am forever thankful that I was able to travel. My travel companions were perfect as well, handling every sleepless night and travel slip-up along the way with ease, grace, and a laugh. However, when I arrived back in Cork, I couldn’t bring myself to write about all of the exciting adventures I had just experienced because I was too overwhelmed by the fact that I only had 4 remaining days left. And today, marks the last day in both a country and city that has seamlessly become my home. So for my final blog post, I want to write a thank you letter to Ireland, the country that has been my home for these past 5 months, the people I have met during my time here, the memories I have made, the places I have visited, and all of the love that I have in my heart for the most amazing study abroad experience I could have ever wished for.

Dear Ireland,

I don’t know how I can express the love I have for you. This country has welcomed me with open arms, from Seany B. the butcher, to Conns man the produce shop owner, to the wonderful professors at UCC, to the Aircoach bus drivers who have aided me in almost every travel adventure, to the workers at Jackie Lennox and Cissie Youngs, and of course to all of the Irish friends I have had the pleasure to meet throughout my time here. Every person I have met along the way has made my day a little bit brighter and only made me fall more in love with this country. I can’t thank Ireland enough for making me feel right at home and having a culture that encourages the development of a person I only wish to become—someone friendly, funny, open, accepting, relaxed, and just taking the piss out of life. I hope to thank Ireland by continuing to grow and promising to return.



Thank you Ireland, for becoming not just my home, but also my launchpad for traveling the world. While Ireland, and both the Cork and Dublin airport, have led me to Amsterdam, Scotland, England, Spain, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, and Hungary, I have never forgotten that Ireland is my home. I have been from Belfast to Dublin, the Ring of Kerry to the Dingle peninsula, the Cliffs of Mohr to Giants Causeway, from castles to harbors, from the busy cities to the quiet countryside, I have traveled throughout Ireland and only continued to fall in love. Maybe it was the color of the grass and trees, because it’s true, the color green in Ireland cannot be found anywhere else. Maybe it was the millions of sheep and cows I have seen as I look out windows. Maybe it’s the people, who always greet you with a smile on their face and ask if you need anything. Yes, Ireland has helped me see many other countries and cultures, but the one I return home to every time is that Irish hospitality which simply cannot be replaced.


Thank you also, to a number of things that have helped me along my study abroad journey. Thank you Dunnes frozen pizza (yes, your 3 for €3.79 pizzas) you have always been the light that welcomes me home from a night out, or helps me get up the next morning. Thank you, to my combat boots, which have literally seen the world with me and not fallen apart. And even though the zipper on the back of the right shoe unzips itself while I’m walking and drives Savannah crazy, you have endured the worst. Thank you, to my Dunnes booties that I bought only the second week here, I have worn you out practically every night. And while I cannot compete with the Irish girls and their heels (which I will forever be impressed with) you did make me feel a little more put together. While you cannot make the journey home, both because you are falling apart and there is no room in my suitcase, you were a true godsend that taught me the importance of a good pair of booties. Thank you to all of the Irish dairy I have consumed this semester, I will never have the same yogurt or spread of butter again, but I will always remember your goodness, especially the butter since I have been to the butter museum in Cork. Finally, thank you to the Centra chicken roll. I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t eaten my first chicken roll that fateful afternoon during RAG week, but you have opened my eyes to the simplicity and deliciousness of a €3.50 sandwich that cannot be beat.


I of course have to also thank my parents. Without their love, support (in more ways than one), and continued acceptance of my crazy antics and adventures that have grown throughout this semester, I would not be here. I am so happy that they were able to come and get a small taste of all of the wonder that I have been experiencing for months. And even though I am not really excited to go home, I am excited to see them and tell them about all of the adventures that have taken place these last 5 months. I am also thankful to return to my mom’s home cooked meals, but I need to put that last so she knows that I appreciate her for many reasons greater than her cooking skills.


My final thank you, will probably be the hardest, and even though it’s already begun, I have to thank and say goodbye to all the friends I have made here. Viva la Ocelot, you guys have helped make this semester unforgettable. I have travelled all over the world with you all, explored Ireland, had many crazy nights out, and so many laughs just thinking about it makes my stomach hurt. You all have been some of the most genuine, caring, funny, smart, and simply amazing people I have ever had the pleasure of becoming friends with. Thank you Kristen, for always being there for a laugh or a crazy story (maybe like that time you spent the half of the day an hour off and didn’t realize it?) I can’t wait to see you in Chicago. Thank you Mathilde, for letting me borrow your UCC ID (even if I was called a liar, liar pants on fire one time I tried to use it) and for your amazing crêpe making skills. Thank you Colin, for always being down for a drink and tagging us in all of those Instagram pictures, I can’t imagine a semester without you and your go-pro stick. Thank you Cody, for your incredible literary insight and your impeccable fashion sense. I can only thank you for all of the laughs and great pictures we have taken (that I can now tag you in on Facebook because I don’t know why you thought you could ever survive this semester without one). Thank you Eric, for the knowledge that your eyes are beautiful and the Irish flag is gorgeous. Thank you for always being there to debate the founding fathers and listen to Taylor Swift until your face turns redder. Thank you Corey, for your Irish writers playing cards (that you left in our apartment by the way) and eating half of my chips at all of our Wednesday lunches with Marypaz. Thank you Casey, the true life force behind our group, or I should just say life because I’m not sure if we would all be here if it wasn’t for you. Thank you for your cooking, your map skills, your willingness to watch The West Wing, and always being there for anyone who needed you—thanks mom. Thank you Savannah, the best roommate anyone ever could have asked for. Thank you for being supportive when I just needed to binge watch Netflix for a few days, thank you for dealing with Marypaz and I’s Beyoncé addiction (I know you got a bit tired of it in the end), thank you for being the friendliest person I know and always being upbeat. No matter what happens in your life, wherever you go or whatever you do, I know you will succeed because you have the best heart of anyone I have ever met. Thank you for being you, I can’t put into words how much you mean to me (you and your stinky). Finally, thank you Marypaz, I know most people think of us as a unit (and I’m not even mad about it) but I honestly can’t imagine this semester without you. You have been there to full my love for Beyoncé, my love for politics, my love for cheerleader, and my love of Ireland. Thank you for encouraging to really look at everything the world has to offer and to not take anything too seriously. Thanks for dancing with me to Anaconda, getting kicked out of McDonalds and Abrakebabra, making me fall a little bit in love with the EU, for making me watch shit English TV, and for everything. I can’t even think about what my life would have been like if I hadn’t met you, but thank GOD we have Chicago to reunite us. S/O TO THE CRAIC PATROL, ya’ll the real MVPs.


Thank you Ireland, for inviting me in to your wonderful country. Thank you for an incredible 5 months. Thank you for bringing all of these wonderful people into my life. Thank you for showing so much more, and see what it is like to be truly embraced in another country (even though many of the Irish make fun of the pronunciation of my last name). Thank you, thank you, words cannot express the love I have for this country, its hills, its people, its beer, and its love for me. While I will be returning in the future, I know it will never be the same.


I end my final post with a quote I found in a book while I was waiting about in a hostel in Krakow. The book was titled Round Ireland with a Fridge by Tony Hawks and after reading the back, I immediately skipped to the last page where I read this final quote that brought me to tears.


“By the time I reached the taxi, my eyes had welled up with tears.

‘Are you all right there?’ said the cabbie as he opened the door for me.

‘Yes, I’m just happy.’

‘Oh right. Where to?’

‘Dublin airport.’

I was leaving Ireland. The affair was over, but the friendship had just begun.”

Reality begins to set in

Reality begins to set in

Today is the day I take my first flight out of America, the place I call home. It happens really fast, one moment you are sitting in your high school class writing out a bucket list you hope won’t be just a dream and then the next moment you are finally able to cross it off your list in college. I think the rest of my generation ought to start to believing that a dream is reality waiting to happen, you have to put your whole heart in it along with some sweat and tears. Here’s to the beginning of an adventure I wished for as a little girl, hope you follow along! Cheers !

If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough

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Benvenuto! I have arrived!

Benvenuto! I have arrived!

Benvenuto! As you have probably figured out by now I am spending my semester in Rome, Italy at the John Felice Rome Center! Cool, right? Well after arriving only three days ago I can honestly tell that this semester is going to be amazing. Although I am junior I feel like I am a freshman all over again. These first couple days have been filled with orientation seminars to fully emerge us students into the culture and help us have the best experience possible. Everyone is slowly getting to know each other and awkwardly engaging in small talk. So far I have met students from all over the place such as Saint Louis University, Santa Clara University, Fordham University, and even a girl from Iceland! The JFRC (John Felice Rome Center) is located in the cozy neighborhood of Balduina. Although the neighborhood is a little quiet right now, as most of the locals are on holiday, it seems like a great place to be situated.

Through jetlag, orientation, and unpacking last night was the first night I finally realized I was actually in ITALY! Myself and several other girls ventured around the city and were just amazed. Thankfully, we arrived into the city center on the 990 bus (I am still trying to figure out the whole bus system) and easily found our way around. We got to see the Castel Sant’Angelo and the Vatican for the first time!

Night 1


Vatican at night

Immediately I realized that there is so much I have to learn while I am here. Seeing these two sights emphasized that I know very little about Rome and its culture. I have already started reading and doing research on everything and I am so excited! (Trust me once I get it all down I will share my knowledge!) Another very significant event of the night was when I got my first gelato and it was ahhh-mazz-ingg! We ended the night by buying a few necessities in a local convenient store, where I was immediately overwhelmed. Speaking no Italian at all I nodded when the cashier rambled something to me. It turned out he was asking me how many grocery bags I wanted for my items because each bag is .10€ which I found to be a simple, yet interesting cultural difference.

Today was filled with more orientation sessions but our night was spent at a local restaurant. A group of students and several our Student Life Assistants went to a Sicilian restaurant with the best food I have eaten so far on my trip! The meal was full of a variety, ranging from seafood dishes, to interesting eggplant combinations, and of course wine. Around two hours later after we finished dinner and walked back through the cobblestone street. I developed 4 new blisters but it was worth it because I looked super cute in my wedges. We completed our night by taking a quick detour to the highest hill in Rome to see the city sparkle in the night sky, which was absolute breath taking.

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Stay tuned for more updates, I promise things will get more exciting and less Lizzie McGuire like as I get settled in! Ciao for now!

First Impressions of Seoul

First Impressions of Seoul


I arrived in Seoul last Monday and as classes still don’t start for another two days, I have had a decent amount of time to get acquainted with the city that I will call home for the next four months. Before coming to Seoul, I conducted literally no research about Korean culture/society/language/food, simply because I am lazy. However, this wasn’t always the case. I began the summer with high hopes, going as far as to buy a Korean language workbook to learn some basic phrases but I soon came to terms with the fact that 5 summer classes, work, and Netflix would take top priority. Therefore, upon arriving in Seoul I did not know what to expect. I had eaten Korean food perhaps once or twice before but it didn’t stand out in my memory than any other Asian cuisine. I had watched only one South Korean film- Old Boy- but only remembered it for the scene where the man ate an entire live octopus, which was equally fascinating and horrifying to watch as the octopus literally tried to claw his way out of the man’s mouth as he swallowed. But I digress… the point is I arrived in Seoul unprepared. Prior to my departure, when people would ask me why I chose to study in South Korea, I had a hard time coming up with a good reason because the honest truth is I don’t really have a lot of good reasons for choosing to study in Korea. I have a variety of reasons as to why I didn’t choose other countries in which to study abroad, but not many reasons for choosing Korea itself. I feel a bit awkward saying that because there are a lot of people who have spent years planning their experience abroad in Korea. Nevertheless I am confident that this semester will prove to be one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my life.

It has only been 6 days and already I am in love with Seoul. It’s so vibrant. At all hours of the day and night there are people in the streets, cafes, restaurants, shops, doing stuff. Stores stay open past 9pm. My hometown of Ham Lake, Minnesota is not exactly a hotbed of glamour and intrigue. Therefore it is a bit overwhelming for me to find myself in such a busy bright hub of activity. Last night (Saturday) I ventured out to the district of Hongdae in Seoul to explore the nightlife. There are clubs, bars, and restaurants  everywhere, all filled with groups of Koreans enjoying themselves. One thing that must not be overlooked about Seoul is the drinking culture. I had heard that Korea in particular has a very active drinking culture, but it definitely must be experienced firsthand. At the orientation for the new exchange students, the International Buddies program (exactly what it sounds like, Korean and international students forming friendships) ended their introductory presentation by announcing to the crowd: “Join our club! We can all go out and get wasted together!” When I studied in Rome at the John Felice Rome Center, the consumption of alcohol was repeatedly stressed as a social activity that was not to be abused, as Italians typically do not go out and get roaring drunk. Whereas in Korea, drinking appears to have evolved from a social activity into a national sport. Say what you will, bars and clubs have proved to be an excellent way to meet native Koreans, all of whom have been eager to learn English and help me learn basic Korean.

A quick word on some favorite Korean foods I have discovered thus far… (the descriptions and spellings of which may or may not be accurate as I still don’t know any Korea so I have been guessing wildly when reading menus)

  • Bingsoo: shaved ice covered in sweetened condensed milk, tried one in a bowl with almonds and one in a cup with an entire slice of tiramisu on top

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  • Shabu-shabu: basically a pot of soup in the center of the table over a burner, you are provided with a bunch of ingredients that you can cook in the pot (meat, veggies, noodles)


  • Japanese curry: similar to Indian curry (if not the same? Difficult to say…)IMG_1862

Stay tuned! More to follow…