The GoGlobal Blog


Author: luctechco

“Dérive” – Week IIX

“Dérive” – Week IIX

“Dérive” (french) : literally means “drift;” figuratively means a spontaneous journey where the traveler leaves their life behind for a time to let the spirit of the landscape and architecture attract and move them.

The Eiffel Tower from The Seine
The Eiffel Tower from The Seine

This last week was a whirlwind with midterms and papers and it was nice to take a quick break from reality and travel to the city (and country) of love – Paris!

While my friends and I were there we visited all of the major sites and even made sure to add in a side-trip to a Jay-Z concert to boot (pictures will be added at the end, don’t worry). On Saturday I went off on my own and traveled around Paris in order to hit all of the major spots. It’s amazing how much more there seems to be in these European cities than there is in Chicago or even NYC. It blows my mind how at every turn there is some sort of history or some amazing building to witness.

Some of the main places to hit when you get to Paris (also, there is an amazing riverboat that takes you to all of these places called Batoboat – highly recommended):

1. The Eiffel Tower (obviously)

2. The Louvre Museum (where the Mona Lisa and a lot of Grecco art is found for all of you art connoisseurs)

Megan Hanning-Bean at the Louvre
Megan Hanning-Bean at the Louvre

3. Notre Dame

4. The Arc de Triomphe

Megan Hanning-Bean at the Arc de Triomphe
Megan Hanning-Bean at the Arc de Triomphe

5. the Hôtel de Ville

6. The Love Lock Bridge (across from the Louvre – YOU MUST PUT ONE ON AT LEAST FOR YOUR FAMILY, it’s so beautiful)

Megan Hanning-Bean on the Love Lock Bridge
Megan Hanning-Bean on the Love Lock Bridge

My friend Stratton and I even put a lock on to symbolize our future friendship as CEO’s. You can really put anything on there.

I joked around with postcards to my family that being there I decided I wanted a boyfriend even after I had told myself that I’m not dating until I graduate college, but that place really makes you feel that way! Don’t worry though, it has worn off now that I’m back in Rome. I’m back on track there.

Anyways, out of all of the major cities I have visited in Europe, Paris was by far the most magical.

Here are two final pictures to show you how close I got to Jay-Z (anything is possible) in Paris. No zoom was used in the photographing of this amazing man. Enjoy!

No Zoom Used to Photograph Jay-Z in Paris
No Zoom Used to Photograph Jay-Z in Paris
Megan Hanning-Bean's Selfie with Jay-Z
Megan Hanning-Bean’s Selfie with Jay-Z




“Rasasvada” – Week IX & X

“Rasasvada” – Week IX & X

“Rasasvada” : the taste of bliss in the absence of all thoughts.

Halloween at the JFRC
Halloween at the JFRC

These last two weeks were full of fun. After finals were finished it was time for everyone to let off some steam.

The very first weekend I spend in Thessaloniki, Greece (northern Greece) with a group of students, SLAs Anna and Jenny and Sander Evers (the Great). We stayed in a 5 star hotel along the sea and were treated like gods, which is ironic because we were right across the street from Mount Olympus.

During the day we went to archeological sights and museums to learn more about Phillip II and other Greek/Macedonian rulers. Then, at night, the manager and employees of the hotel would drive us into town and take us around to all of the different place to meet the Greek people that lived there. I never realized it was possible to get so close to your supervisors like we did with Jenny, Anna and Sander, without overstepping any boundaries that were set forth. But that is what is best about these side trips, they teach you a lot about yourself and those you surround yourself with.

Then, during the week we celebrated halloween at JForce with a karaoke party. It was wild and everyone had a blast. Sadly, I lost my phone so the pictures from halloween on have been minimal. That upcoming weekend was the first weekend I spent in Rome and I was surprised to find that it may be one of my favorite places to spend my time.

During the day a group of friends and I went to the Vatican just to have a look around. We were quickly overwhelmed by the massiveness of everything. We joked around that we were the least intelligent smart group of people because we were having discussions such as if it was possible to fit a million people just in the Vatican and the square outside. I argued that it was and I am still positive I am right.

Then during the night we visited such places as Coyote in Trastevere, Gilda by the Spanish Steps and Art Cafe near Villa Buorghese. There was never a dull moment with the people I was with. At one point in the night that we went to Coyote, my friend Zach and I met two visiting naval cadets from the U.S. who were visiting Rome during their off time from Syria. We ended up walking around and talking with them until 6:30 am and were able to see the sun rise on the way back to JForce in the cab. Not many people can say that has happened to them at home or even abroad.

Finally, one of the best parts (because I recently had a magnificent dream that I was eating Buffalo Wild Wings chicken wings for an entire day) we all finally found a burger place in Rome that served real burgers. To anyone coming to Rome anytime soon, it’s across from the Vatican and that is all I can say, but it was a hidden gem.

I just want to take a second to thank all of you for reading my blog. I appreciate the support and I hope that it is stimulating in some way for everyone!

Cheers i miei amici,


Cheap as Dirt- Granada, Spain!

Cheap as Dirt- Granada, Spain!

This past weekend my roommate, Yarden, and I took a spontaneous trip to Granada, Spain. After a 5 hour bus-ride we arrived at our hostel in the Arab district, which was absolutely phenomenal. The streets leading to the hostel were cobblestone and lined with many little Arab vendor shops with leather goods, mosaic tiles, jewelry, hookah, and henna. The first day we enjoyed tapas and tinto (wine and Sprite) at a little restaurant called Babel. After, we explored the city and stopped by a monastery with beautiful grounds that overlook the city and mountains. We then walked around the grounds of the Arab castle Alhambra, but not before having a glass of sangria at the Alhambra terrace. We also climbed to Mirador San Nicolas, a famous lookout point, and watched the sun set over the city and behind Alhambra. Sitting there and enjoying this beautiful sight was definitely one of the highlights of the weekend. We were also fortunate enough to be able to visit Alhambra and explored inside and around the grounds of the castle. There is a huge garden attached, called Generalife, and is a terrace of plants and flowers atop the mountain. That night, we climbed to the highest peak of the city to a church, which is another common lookout point for sunset lovers. The cobblestone/all stairs hike was a workout, but being able to see the sunset over the mountains and the entirety of the city was an incredible reward. The night before we left we went out with Yarden’s two friends who were visiting Granada as well and had tapas, sangria, and a fishbowl. Every time I ordered something, I would stare in amazement at the low cost of the receipt.

My favorite meal of the trip was a falafel and shawarma pita with yogurt sauce in the Arab nation. How I missed out on trying this savory meal before is beyond me…

The most interesting meal I have had while abroad was in Granada. Yarden and I split a meal of prime rib strips. The strips were served raw with fatty strips of meat accompanying them on a hot platter, and we had to “grease” the hot platter with the fatty strips of meat and then place the prime rib cuts onto the pan and flip them as they cooked. We had to work for our meal, but it was extra satisfying when the steak finally cooked. The prime rib was mouthwatering.

Things I have learned:

-Getting lost is part of the fun.

-Not having a plan is also part of the fun.

-Granada is FILLED with young people, and is similar to a college town.

-Spaniards have no sense of sidewalk space- They walk SLOW, with linked arms, making it almost impossible to pass.

-Time is going by too fast. In about a month I will be home.



For the past two months, I’ve been seeing familiar faces from home. I’ll be walking down College Road on the way to the library at UCC and catch a glimpse of so-and-so from high school. Or while grabbing a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream (yes, I am five-years-old, thank you very much) I’ll know I’m staring at what’s-her-name from the Starbucks on Sheridan Road. That-one-guy from work is definitely sitting in front of me in Modern Irish.

The lovely sprawling city of Cork.

It’s not them. Of course it’s not. But my mind has played this trick on me so many times that I’ve started cataloging which lookalikes I’ve seen. It’s turned into a game, almost as if I’m trying to collect all the familiar faces before I fly back to the U.S. I’ve even given this phenomenon a nickname: Doppelganger Syndrome.

And if that’s not weird enough, I’ve started having flashes of places around Chicago and Batavia. In the middle of reading about the 1937 Irish constitution, I suddenly see the Walmart parking lot on Kirk Road.

I just don’t get it. It seems like these images keep bubbling up to the surface because some small part of me is afraid I’ll forget them. To be honest, seeing bits of home is a comfort. I like being surprised when boy-from-freshman-year-dorm stands in line behind me at Tesco. My face splits with a goofy smile when a snapshot of the windmill off of Route 25 crosses my mind.

Even as I cling to these images, they help me settle in to my new surroundings. I can carry them around with me. They calm the fears that I’ll forget things about Cork when I go home, too. Maybe in four months, that afternoon I stood in the spitting rain watching the River Lee push beyond its banks and tear through the trees will meander on by as I’m sitting on the Red line.

The River Lee accompanied by a rainbow.

It’s funny what will wedge itself into your mind. It’s even funnier how much those strange moments, places and people will mean to you when you’re thousands of miles away from home.

Side note: I’m saying this because, well, I can. I’M OFF TO PARIS IN THE MORNING!

So Many Adventures, So Little Time

So Many Adventures, So Little Time

Sometimes I start to feel homesick and decide I’m ready to go home and see my family; but then other times, like today, I realize how amazing I feel here and how many great opportunities I’m experiencing!

I spent the weekend of the 7th-9th exploring Barcelona with Catie. On our first night we experienced the Spanish night life, which was definitely a cultural difference. After a pub crawl sponsored by our hostel, we went to a popular night club for a while. Around 3:00am we decided to head out, and as we were leaving there was still a huge line of people waiting to get in! I could never just be going somewhere at 3am, that’s just crazy. The next day we spent the whole afternoon laying on the beach and walking along the beachfront. That night we went to the city center for some shopping and dinner – seafood paella! It was great. On our last day we went on a walking tour around Barcelona and visited the Sagrada Familia. The weather was great, and it was very refreshing to see a beach and blue skies after 2 months in London.

I was worried about Dallas all week. He got bit by a spider or something in Brazil and had to go to the hospital. I just hope he’s better by December!

This past month I went on a trip with a tour group to Amsterdam and Bruges. Both places seemed surreal. Amsterdam, in particular, was unlike anywhere else. Some parts were gorgeous with huge houses lining the canals. We got to go on a canal boat tour one night and it was very very cool. Yet, the rest of the city was noticeably dirty and smelly. We walked through the infamous red light district and ate some famous Dutch pancakes. The next day we went to a very rural area and saw beautiful windmills, a cheese factory, and a clog factory. Then in the afternoon I visited the Van Gogh museum and the Anne Frank House. Both were awesome!

The following day we drove to Bruges in Belguim. The whole place felt like a scene out of a medieval fairy tale. I ate a Belgian waffle and frites (French fries), which are actually Belgian but the first American to see them heard the Belgians speaking French and assumed they were a French thing. Silly Americans. I also got some of their famous Belgian lace and chocolate!

I’m going to try to be very productive with my schoolwork this week. I already wrote a 1500 word paper today! Tomorrow I’m going a show sponsored by USAC with all the other students in the program. It should be good.

Next weekend I’m heading to Vienna and Prague. It’ll be my first trip completely on my own, but I’m used to getting around now so I think I’ll be okay.

Only 5 more week to make memories! Time has really flown by.


Just call me a jet setter!

Just call me a jet setter!

I apologize to those of you who actually read my blog that it has been a month since my last update! Let me share with you everywhere I have been! I have been to Segovia, Spain, Lisbon, Portugal, Barcelona, Spain, and La Mancha, Spain. It has been an amazing couple of months so far in Europe. The last three places I visited were just breathtaking.

Lisbon, Portugal is built on 7 hills. This Texas, born and bred, girl thinks that hills are small and easy to climb over. Hills in Europe are like mini mountains. I got the best workout ever those three days in Portugal. I saw castles built by the moors, tasted my first nata (a cream filled pastry, kind of like custard) it’s heaven in a pastry, and I bought a Longchamp bag (fashion is my secret passion in life)! Of course I have to do a little shopping while in Europe. The pictures below are of the view from one of the castles I saw and the amazingly delicious Nata!


After Portugal I was off to Barcelona for a little adventure in my own back yard. Barcelona is located in the autonomous region of Catalunya in Spain. The first language of this area is Catalan, not spanish. Again this created some interesting interactions with locals like in Portugal. I spent much of the weekend in the land of spanglish, a nice mix of both spanish and english. Barcelona is a beautiful city with a perfect mix of urban-ness and beach. My favorite site in Barcelona was the Sagrada Familia. This basilica was designed by Gaudi and after a fire it was reconstructed and much of it is still be renovated today. The amount of detail on the outside alone could keep you looking for hours. Compared to the outside the inside is quite simple with the focus on the many stained glass windows. It’s hard to keep your attention away from all the colors coming inside. I also visited Park Güel, a park in Barcelona that showcases many smaller designs by Gaudi and the picture perfect views of Barcelona. Below are two different views of the Sagrada Familia.











The following weekend after Barcelona I visited Chinchón and La Mancha, two small towns near Madrid. La Mancha was my favorite of the two towns. For those that don’t know, La Mancha is the setting for one of the chapters in the book Don Quijote de La Mancha. This is a novel written by Miguel de Cervantes about an old many who believes he is a knight. It tells about him and the trouble he finds himself in. La Mancha is the site of many large windmills. In the story don Quijote believes these windmills are giants that he must battle to protect his town and beloved Dulcinea. I have read several chapters of the over 1,000 page novel several times and was thrilled to reenact the fight with the windmills. Check them out below, they’re HUGE!











I have been pretty blessed so far in Europe and I couldn’t be more excited for the adventures ahead.

Check back to find out what I did for 9 days by myself in Europe!


9 days, 3 countries, 4 cities ALL ON MY OWN

9 days, 3 countries, 4 cities ALL ON MY OWN

Fall break was upon us here in Madrid, as some students prepared to go on the group trip to San Sebastian and Bilbao others were prepping for Ireland, London, Amsterdam, Switzerland, Paris, Rome, and more and I was prepping for the trip of a lifetime.

On Saturday October 19th I packed up my duffel and set out for my first ever solo trip. My first stop was Munich, Germany. I spent two days exploring the city and venturing outside of it to see the Neuschwanstein Castle. This was about a 2 hour train ride outside of Munich and was built beginning in 1868 and was ready to be lived in by the end of 1873 though renovations were continuous. Settled on the mountains, it was a retreat for King Ludwig II who did not like to be around people. The hike up to the castle could take quite a while but I enjoyed a trip in a horse drawn carriage up to the top to see the castle below.

The next day I got to see the Glockenspiel in the centre of the city. The Glockenspiel in a huge cuckoo clock that chimes at every hour. At 11 am everyday the chimes are special. Once the clock stokes 11 the music starts, and the figurines around the clock begin to move. I have known about the Glockenspiel for quite some time now and was ecstatic to watch the show. Although I’m 21 for about 5 minutes I felt like I was 4, it was really enjoyable. After the glockenspiel finished I enjoyed my first authentic German pretzel and visited a number of churches in the area.










That night I was on my way to Oswiecim,Poland. I took my first ever night train, let me give you a little advice: never take a night train that arrives at your destination at 4:45 in the MORNING! Yes, I arrived in Oswiecim, Poland at 4:45 in the morning and waited till Auschwitz was open for tours. World War II is the time period in history that intrigues me most. Everyone has history that they love to read and watch movies about and WWII is mine. I have always wanted to go to Auschwitz since the moment I first learned about it. My second piece of advice comes now: don’t go to a nazi concentration camp by yourself. There is a lot to process throughout the experience and it can be nice to talk about it with a friend. It took me two days to really process everything I saw. Auschwitz was an awful place but it holds so much history. It was weird to think that I stood in the same place as thousands of people who were persecuted for the most absurd reasons. I stood where thousands upon thousands of people died… I can never forget that. The image is burned in my brain. I have so much to be thankful for and so much that I take for granted everyday. Below are just a couple images of the entrance to the camp.













After I left Auschwitz, I headed to Krakow to catch my night train to Vienna Austria. It was the beginning of the the end for my week of travels. Austria has always been a place that I wanted to visit and I couldn’t wait to get it started. Vienna is the city of music, of Mozart and more. I enjoyed sitting in the outdoor cafes listening to the quartets play away to those passing. I saw several churches, theatres, and walked through the major park in the city. Vienna is definitely one of the prettiest places I have ever been.

To end my 9 day journey I hopped on a train to Salzburg. This was the moment I was waiting for, the cream of the crop, the holy grail of european cities; I was entering the city where my favourite movie EVER was filmed and historically took place, The Sound of Music. Salzburg is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. I visited every significant site from the movie. I walked up the mountain that the city is built out of, I ate schnitzel and bratwurst, and I rode a bike. To be specific I participated in the Fraulein Maria Bike Tour, it was easily the best experience I have ever had; if I felt like a 4 year old at the Glockenspiel, I felt like a kid in a candy shop for two and a half days while I was in Salzburg. My hostel even showed the movie every night at 7, and yes I watched The Sound of Music 3 nights in a row. Even though I spent such a short time in Salzburg I  know it is the place for me! I can’t wait to go back some day. Enjoy the photos of my favorite place! And, check back to see where the end of my semester takes me!























“Firgun” – Week XI

“Firgun” – Week XI

“Firgun” : (Hebrew) The act of sharing in or even contributing to someone else’s pleasure or fortune, with a purely generous heart and without jealousy; or of sharing credit fairly.

London Bridge
London Bridge

This last weekend I traveled all the way to Londra (London), where I fell in love with everything and everyone around me. I know earlier I said something about Parigi (Paris) being the city of love, but Londra is the real city of love. Not just the kind of love that comes between two people who are enamored with each other, but a love and respect for everything out there that is good and beautiful.

Now, this may sound like an exaggeration, but it is. It’s an exaggeration (which I often make if you haven’t noticed) that is important to shed light on how life-changing traveling can be. I am making a promise now that some day I will live and London and that’s because it ignited a spark in me (again, which had first started in Poland) to do something to change the world.

Yes, I did all of the typical touristy things while I was there and yes, I did miss my flight coming back home because I just had to have that last Chipotle burrito before returning to the land of pasta, but more than that I started planning my future for good.

When any of you travel you need to keep those places you find that you love close to your heart and never let them go. Let them be a sign to you that your future is bright and full of amazing opportunities. With the optimism that this trip filled me with I feel I can do anything in the world, mainly because that’s the way a lot of people in Londra think like!

Here are some cool pictures from my trip:

Megan Hanning-Bean in front of Big Ben
Megan Hanning-Bean in front of Big Ben
Megan Hanning-Bean in front of The London Eye
Megan Hanning-Bean in front of The London Eye

Here is one important trip advice I have: if you have friends studying/living/staying in any part of Europe that you are traveling to – stay with them! I stayed with my friend Rachel Newton, who I met three years ago during a trip to New Zealand and I had the best time. We not only were tourists for a day but real Londoners for the rest of the weekend as well.



Less than 12 hours!

Less than 12 hours!

It’s the night before I depart for Rome and I could not be more excited! In order to prepare, I went out for Italian food with my family while my younger brother, the family scholar, lectured us on the history of Rome and early Christianity. A little bit off the topic of what we’re going to study but it got me back into the educational mindset after two weeks off of school.

I think the best part of this course is the unique combination of cultural experiences and social education. We’re going to be visiting famous landmarks in Rome, as well as the less well known tourist attractions in Malta. At the same time, we are going to be learning about justice and human rights in the context of migrants/refugees that have flooded both Malta and Italy and the political, economic and social implications. This is an intense topic to cover in just two short weeks, but I am really looking forward to the immersion that this course offers. The next two weeks will be packed and exhausting and I can’t wait to get started!

Malta J-Term 2014

Malta J-Term 2014


I am a junior at Loyola, majoring in English and International Studies.  I was so excited to have the opportunity to travel to Rome/Malta and learn about human rights and refugee issues.  My long-term career interests are in this direction, so when I heard about this J-term section I jumped on it immediately.  I knew next to nothing about Malta when I heard about the course, and still know very little, so I trust that I will learn a great deal over the course of this trip!

From the little that I have read, the refugee situation is becoming an increasingly pressing concern for European nations, and in particular southern Europe.  Malta is an island located in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, south of Sicily.  Refugees from northern African nations, middle eastern countries, etc., attempt to enter Europe by way of ships to Malta and other small northern Mediterranean islands, creating social and economic pressures on local governments.  Here is a recent article reporting on treatment of refugees at the detainment facilities where refugees are held:

Time to board my flight, so more to come soon!