The GoGlobal Blog


Author: luctechco

Through the Lens of Hip-Hop: Vietnamese Youth Culture

Through the Lens of Hip-Hop: Vietnamese Youth Culture

A HipHop (B-boy) dancer landing a freeze during the Converse Street Festival
A HipHop (B-boy) dancer landing a freeze during the Converse Street Festival

Converse shoes, beanie caps, graffiti, and break-dancing are all elements of today’s hip-hop scene in Vietnam. While these facets aesthetically resemble a similar culture in the United States and other parts of the world, Vietnamese hip-hop conveys a deeper message hidden under the clout of imported flash. MCs, graffiti artists, b-boys, and DJs comprise only one of the counter-cultures that have developed in Vietnam through the processes of globalization. As one of the most youthful countries in the world, Vietnam must balance the traditional customs of past generations with the trends and developments of today’s world.

I have chosen this picture to expand upon for a number of reasons. Having been involved in the hip-hop scene in the U.S., I hope that I can relate to similar minded youth in Vietnam. I believe that Vietnamese hip-hop is a developing culture that is different than similar subcultures in other countries. Finally, I view the hip-hop subculture in Vietnam as lens through which one can visualize Vietnam’s progress and development.

In the early 1970’s hip-hop formed in the Bronx in New York City as a form of self-expression and protest by the youth. As it spread, the messages associated with the movement also found audiences in Europe, Asia, and other parts of the world. By the end of the 20th century, and with the economic success of the early 21st century, Vietnamese youth readily gained access to the rest of the world through venues such as MTV, the internet, and their neighbors in Asia. It wasn’t long after that a hip-hop culture developed in Vietnam.

However, in my observation and interaction with hip-hop artists in Vietnam, there is an almost entirely different message being portrayed underneath all the baggy shirts, flat brim caps, and break-beats. While American hip-hop music is notorious for off color language and a subculture that often lends itself an unsavory reputation, Vietnamese describe their brand of hip-hop as “clean.” Raps are often about romance, youth culture, dancing, expressing yourself, and being who you want to be. There are almost never political or societal issues conveyed through Vietnamese hip-hop. The overall message is resoundingly individual and being true to yourself.

As said in Saigon Electric / Yo!, a 2011 film exploring Vietnam’s street dancing scene, “We [Vietnamese] dance because we have to. It’s all we have to live for.” I believe that this quote highlights the ambiguity of the task Vietnamese youth have in forging their own culture. When President Clinton visited Vietnam for the first time in 20 years following the end of the conflict in Vietnam, he was exposed to a new generation of Vietnamese who had the freedom to find futures beyond the wars of their parents and grandparents’ generations. However, as Vietnam steadily opened up to the rest of the world, the next generation of youth have pushed the envelope even further in the creation of a unique, and thriving youth culture.

Converse’ arrival and success in Vietnam display just how eager Vietnamese youth are to ‘catch up’ with their contemporaries around the world. While Converse’s image might inspire images of old-school basketball or pop-punk bands and skater culture in the United State, Converse has harnessed a slightly different approach in Vietnam. The Converse Street Festival in Ho Chi Minh City represents nearly a decade of growing presence in Vietnam. While staple “Converse cultures” such as skate boarders, rock bands, and b-boys transitioned and took root in Vietnam, Converse successfully marketed itself to a population that literally grew up with the brand in Vietnam. While it seems that Vietnamese artists in the hip-hop scene earnestly take their inspiration from the United States, Europe, South Korea, Japan, and other hip-hop centers, a unique Vietnamese identity is slowly taking shape.

When I arrived on site at the Converse Street Festival, there was already a large crowd gathered on the main stage where the b-boy crews were battling. I noted that with few exceptions, nearly everyone in the crowd was my age or younger, and that their energy far exceeded what should have been possible for the amount of people. I have been to jams (b-boy competitions) many times larger in Chicago and the United State, but the excitement and talent of the performers, spectators, and judges in Vietnam was just as comparable!

Hip-hop in Vietnam, through conveyed through the same vehicles as ‘original hip-hop’ across the world, conveys a deeper story. The growth of this subculture parallels the development of Vietnam in recent years, not only economically or culturally, but also consciously. I believe that it would not be too farfetched of a statement to say that Vietnamese hip-hop is proof of Vietnamese identity taking new shape in an uncertain future. With over half of its population under the age of 30, Vietnam’s youth are eager to soak up the rest of the world’s trends. However, they do not seek to just catch up, but also gain the tools to forge their own of unique identity whether it be through industry, policy, or something as obscure as street dancing.

Roadside Tagging in Mui Ne

A B-boy starts his routine

A semi-related preview of my holiday break in Nha Trang

For more info on the Vietnamese Hip-Hop scene, specifically b-boying check out these links!

I Have Started Staring at People

I Have Started Staring at People

Hola Todos!!

I am starting to feel very comfortable here in Madrid.  I have developed a routine, I feel safe when on my own in the city, I have met some amazing people, I started volunteering, and I have had whole conversations with Spaniards 🙂 Life is good right now.

I am happy to say that I have Aced my first class here!!! I got a 95% on the Final exam for what would be Spanish 103 at Loyola.  We have moved on to some new material that I am not as familier with so we will see how this next class goes.  I am working hard trying to learn this difficult language!  Learning a language just is not easy folks…

I started volunteering at a bilingual elementary school!  The moms of the kids and the teachers (the PTA) decided that they wanted english speakers to play with the kids in the after school programs so the children’s exposure to english does not stop after school.  I go every Thursday from 4-6 and help with a “circus” after school program, it is basically a theatre class for 3 & 4 year olds!!  It is my most enjoyable experience thus far.  The kids love me 🙂 The circus program is from 4-5 and I help a Karate program from 5-6.  The instructor speaks zero english and I think my only job is to attempt to practice Karate with the kids….I think.  That is what I have been doing for the last 2 weeks.  The instructor just laughs and gives me a thumbs up, a sure sign of a good job right?  I like the Karate class, the kids are older and they speak more english then the babies which is nice.  Volunteering might be the best decision I have made.

Now, they say when you study abroad there is a period of time when you slump in to a depression, you miss home and wonder why you are in a foreign country with strangers.  I can tell a lot of students in the program are reaching this stage, I however, am DETERMINED to fight it.  I will admit when/if I reach that point, but I do not want to spend my time wishing I was anywhere else.  I do miss home and school but I am really enjoying myself here.

My friends that I met here and I are planning a trip to Rome!! I am super excited!  We are going in late March during spring break!! We booked the flights and the hostel (yes hostel) over the weekend!  Hopefully I do not get sick this time, but I bought the flight insurance just in case!

Next week the study abroad program is taking us (well we paid for it) to Andalusia, a region in the south of Spain.  We are going to Granda, Coroba, and Seville for the week!  It should be a lot of fun!  One of my friends from high school is studying in Seville and we are planning on meeting up.

I am having a blast here and I know how blessed I am to have this experience.

Thanks Mom, Dad, Grandma & Pops 🙂

Okay so some new things I have noticed:

People do not wash their hands here.  This is not only an observation, my professor said, “it just is not common.”

Futbol is more than a sport.

Spaniards rarely eat with their hands, I mean RARELY.  They only eat with their hands when they eat burgers and sandwiches!  Everything is eaten with a fork and knife, from croissants to french fries, to pizza.

Their diet seems to consist of mostly pork, bread, pork, potatoes, and pork.  My spanish professor says instead of apples, students give teachers pork.

Alright that is all I have for now!! Stay tuned!! 🙂

My Favorite Meal!

Patatas con Huevos y Chorizo! YUM!

Banco de España! One of the most beautiful buildings in the city.


Freia Chocolate Factory Tour: The Willy Wonka of Norway

Freia Chocolate Factory Tour: The Willy Wonka of Norway

Friday was one of the best days ever. My friends and I went on a (free!) tour of the Freia chocolate factory with the International Student Union from Uni. On the train ride there, we were all joking about how we hoped it would be like WIlly Wonka and have a river of chocolate and edible walls etc. Obviously, we were joking around, but seriously this place was magical. As we approached the building, the smell of chocolate was impossible to miss and it put a smile on all of our faces. First stop inside the factory? The super awesome candy store, where everything was at least 50% less than in stores. We all came out with bags full to the brim. One girl bought an entire display of Oreos!

Next stop was the chocolate making room. By far, the coolest thing. We sat around picnic benches as our tour guide, Inge-Johanne, placed bowls full of different Freia chocolates in front of us. There were at least 6 different candy bowls on each table. Then came the fun part: we each got to make our own Freia chocolate bar! after spreading the melted milk chocolate into our mold, we used the different candies to “decorate” our precious creations. It was so neat to make chocolate!

After this, we headed to Freia Land, Norway’s take on the concept of Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. Seriously, coolest thing ever. We gathered into the room that looked like a giant Kvik Lunsj (Norway’s favorite candy car; basically a KitKat) and Inge pulled out a silver platter stacked with mini Kvik Lunsj bars. Then, a secret door opened up and we were in the middle of the rainforest, on the hunt for cocoa pods. We walked into a cave and found ourselves in an ancient meso-American temple, complete with wall paintings and a giant stone alter in the middle. We learned the story of how chocolate was discovered and revered and eventually used as a form of currency. A second secret door opened, and we stepped into a time machine! Inge asked for a volunteer to crank back the clock, so I (of course) quickly volunteered and took us to 1527. From there, we visited a 16th century ship bound for the Americas, a dutch windmill that created hot chocolate powder, Norway’s first chocolate shop/parlor, and finally crossed giant glaciers and traversed the Norwegian mountainside to get back to the factory, receiving a different Freia chocolate at each stop.

When we came out of Freia Land, our chocolate bars were lined up and waiting for us in the little boxes we had decorated previously. When we moved to take them, Inge told us to wait and proceeded to add a bag of Non-Stop candies and three rolls of chocolate to each of our bars! Best. Tour. Ever. The only downside to this day was the fact that I have given up sugar for Lent, so I couldn’t actually eat any of the delicious chocolates that surrounded me all day. But, it’s worth the wait, and I’m happy to have shared this fantastic experience with my friends :]

can you tell I like candy? :p

Life is picking up!

Life is picking up!

Life here has picked up quite a bit here these last two weeks. I have been interning at the M.A.R.Q. museum two days a week, doing various tasks. I put ancient pottery back together, properly document and store artifacts, assist in constructing the exhibit decorations, and overall understanding the ins-and-outs of the museum. It’s been a lot of fun and easy work, something I can definitely see myself doing in the future!

School has also quickened its pace- more homework every day and more advanced Spanish grammar and vocabulary. My Spanish has definitely improved since when I first arrived, and is constantly getting better. I talk to my host family a lot, during meals or when watching movies together, and go out with them a lot as well.  I love going to the gym with my host sister Olga. She is so sweet and funny, and tries practicing her English with me. Last weekend, we went shopping together and designed our outfits for Carnival, which is one of Spain’s biggest festivals. It’s a weeklong celebration, filled with beautiful and fun costumes, lights and decorations, and fun activities and concerts. People prepare for this celebration weeks in advanced. My host sisters already had their outfits planned out back in January. Olga and her friends were to be butterflies, and Idoia and her friends were all going to be Pippy Longstocking. Basically, it was Spain’s massive Halloween celebration, and the buildup to the weekend got me pumped. I decided to go as a Can-Can girl since my host family already had the costume. The big Carnival celebration took place on that Saturday, and it was the biggest group of people I had ever seen outside in which everyone, and I mean EVERYONE was dressed up. Every costume you could imagine was there, from giant Leggo Men, to Smurfs, pirates, movie stars, animals, and more… you name it, and it was there. Most of the people in the streets were young adults, and there were thousands of them, all drinking, listening to music, and enjoying each other’s company and costumes. I went with my host sisters first, to see how the Spaniards celebrated, and eventually met up with my American friends later. We went to the concerts, which mainly played American oldies from the 80s, and of course, to the food stands. It was an absolute blast, and I stayed out until 8 am the next morning! I couldn’t believe I didn’t collapse from exhaustion, but there were so many people and excitement that I couldn’t leave until the city decided to sleep. On Sunday, I slept well into the day, and spent the end of it relaxing on the beach with friends, reminiscing about how crazy the night before was.

I got to work with ancient bones in the museum this week, which was incredibly cool. I also met some South Saharan immigrants living in Alicante, who live here to avoid the political turmoil in Africa, as well as learn Spanish and English. It was really interesting hearing their stories, and having them feed me and some other students their typical food from their country.

This weekend was a little more relaxed, as compared to Carnival. My friends and I spent a lot of time at the beach, playing volleyball and socializing. On Saturday, we went to a small city near Alicante, called Murcia. When I originally told my host family I was going there for a day trip, they cringed at first and asked why. I told them because I wanted to see it and it was close enough for a day trip. Ten of my friends and I went that Saturday morning around 11 am, arrived at noon, and started exploring right away. I realized right away why my family all cringed- there wasn’t much in Murcia. There was a cool Cathedral and old Moroccan themed casino, but not much else than that hahaha. We all had lunch near the river that runs through Murcia, and later we all got ice cream and hung out around the city. We stayed until about 6 pm, walking around and exploring, and returned around 8 pm. Surprisingly, for not having done too much, we were all tired and spent the rest of that night at home with our families.The next day I watched Avatar with my host sister and her boyfriend, Tony, all in Spanish. It was easy enough to understand everything, and I learned a few new words as well.

On Monday, after school and my internship, I met my intercambio Alberto. He is a Spaniard I am assigned with to converse in English and Spanish, allowing us both to improve in our speaking abilities. He is 24 years old, and is studying law and finances at the university in Elche. We went to a little coffee shop with cupcakes, and talked for about two hours. He is a very sweet guy, and interesting too. He loves surfing and playing water sports, and wants to learn English so he can eventually move to the states. It was fun talking with him, and I plan to meet with him next week to talk more.

I am really excited for this weekend- the USAC program put together a trip to Granada for all the students. My host family says it’s one of their favorite cities, and one of my good friends is studying abroad there, so I am excited to see what it has to offer! Updates to come!

Hasta luego amigos!


International Dinner Party

International Dinner Party

A few days ago, my friends and I decided to have an “international dinner party” to try foods from all of our home countries. It was such a great night! There was an absolute smorgasbord of food and many dishes I had never had the opportunity to try before:]

From Japan, we had a thin bread stuffed with different vegetables and meat with a spicy sauce on top. So good

A friend from CHina made spicy tofu soup, which I didn’t try because I don’t eat tofu, but it looked delicious!

From Germany one girl made sauerkraut and another made mashed potatoes :]

Two friends from Italy made homemade vegan tiramisu and salami cioccolato, both of which looked fantastic but I couldn’t eat because of Lent!

A boy from Poland made a mixed berry compote and two Polish girls made a traditional Polish soup. I really liked the soup:]

From the Czech Republic, there were potato pancakes with vegetables inside which were delicious

A boy from Norway made mini chocolate cakes that literally made the entire room smell like delicious chocolate as soon as they came out of the oven

A friend from Mexico made potato and cheese quesadillas

My absolute favorite food of the night? Two friends from South Korea made AMAZING barbecue chicken. Seriously, one of the best things I have ever eaten! Bonus: they’re going to teach me how to make it! Yessss

America was well-represented with one friend who made a ton of bacon, a girl made hotdogs stuffed with cheese and potatoes; I helped my friend make an apple crisp and I made buckeyes!

Altogether, it was a great night filled with friends food and awesome conversation. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of friends than these :]


Development of HCMC

Development of HCMC

The longer I live in Vietnam, the more I realize just how wonderful (in a good/bad sort of way) it is to be in a developing country. For our Environmental Science class, we toured the different canals around HCMC and were able to engage in a first hand learning experience how the garbage system works. At garbage stations around the city (there are around 17 but they need about 6 more to really be efficient) people pick through garbage by hand. Literally, outside of these smelly, unsafe, unsanitary areas. .. people do this to earn a little extra income. Most of them do this with their bare hands and have no masks/sanitary equipment. It’s the norm for HCMC but if that were the case in the states, well, it wouldn’t be. There is a much different sense of necessity here as well as means of what to do in order to merely survive. Seeing people do this is a very grounding experience. I wish everyone had the opportunity to see the lives of these people, maybe it would encourage them to be less wasteful and realize how they should take full advantage of the wonderful system America implements. America has its problems, sure. However, at least we have recycling and garbage treatment plants. We also found   out that certain countries, such as the Netherlands and even the U.S., have paid for construction of more garbage stations around HCMC.

One of the most interesting things about these donations are that many people refuse the help. The treatment plants are built, of course, but the Netherlands have offered to do more than that. They have offered toilets to those without them. We might think it’s insane to not have a toilet but for those in more slum-like areas, they just dump everything in the water. It’s easier, more convenient. Trash/etc. is thrown out the window. Pretty much every kind of waste goes in the canals. WHY do people not realize how bad this is for their health and the health of the environment? For me, these were the most pressing questions that arose as we drove around the city. Why?


Slums in HCMC

First of all, it’s a matter of cost. Vietnam is a developing country and has little money to invest in advanced technology for waste management, recycling programs, etc. Also, in a city of 10 million people, everything is squished together. Therefore, the streets are very thin, more like alley ways. It’s impossible to get any sort of large garbage truck down such small streets. Instead, the alleys are cleaned by manual workers who have small carts and a broom. They go street by street and sweep up garbage.


Trash bins used to collect trash in narrow alleys

The largest problem, however, is awareness. Many Vietnamese have no idea how their actions affect their health and the environment. When they throw waste into the canals and on the banks, mosquitos and rats flourish. This leads to disease. Living in such unsanitary conditions is, in general, very harmful to their health. My environmental professor even told me people catch and eat fish out of the canals — as they don’t understand how eating the fish from such dirty conditions could be harmful.

In this way I have been intrigued by the waste management system of HCMC. It’s something I had never really considered before and without doubt, have taken advantage of. Development is such an important part of HCMC and becomes evident when you see slums and the conditions of living. It’s even stranger to see modern apartment buildings behind the slums.

Every day, I become more and more appreciative of this experience — it has been a month now and I think I’m finally starting to really settle in.

Weekend in Granada

Weekend in Granada

Last weekend, the entire USAC group went to Granada for an excursion. We left 10 am Friday and arrived in Granada at 3 pm. We had barely enough to relax and check into our hotel rooms before we were herded out the door to do a tour around the old neighborhood of Granada. We walked along the center of the city, checking out the old buildings, streets, and shops. Granada reminded me a lot of Madrid, with its ld architecture, cool weather, and city feel.  The group wandered through the historic center of Granada, called el Albaicin, checking out El Mirador de San Nicolas, which was a breathtaking view over all of Granada, and then the Calles de las Teterias, which were the sides streets filled with Moroccan tea and gift shops. Granada has a lot of Arabic influence, especially in its food, art, and architecture. After some friends and I drank Moroccan tea, which was DELICIOUS, we decided to go back to the hotel to freshen up before we checked out the night life. We went out for dinner, which were mainly drinks and tapas, and enjoyed hours of good conversation and company. It was raining quite a bit during that evening, which cut our night life short, but with an 8 am tour of the Alhambra, it was probably for the best.

After a decent hotel breakfast, we left for the Alhambra at 8 am The Alhambra  is an incredible Muslim palace and fortress complex built in 889 A.D. by the Muslims that ruled Granada. It is one of the oldest and most incredible buildings I have ever encountered. I studied the el Alhmabra in several of my art history classes, and so to actually have been able to see it, touch it, and explore it was amazing. Our tour guide went into detail about the history of its construction, its significance, and the changes that have taken place over the past thousand years, and even showed us the exact spot where Christopher Columbus asked for permission and financial aid from Queen Isabel to sail to the New World in 1492. I couldn’t help but get chills when she showed us the room. We also checked out the Nasrid Palaces, Hall of Ambassadors, Palace of the Lions, Court of the Myrtles, Hall of the Mocarabes, and the Watch Tower, which overlooked all of Granada and the Sierra Nevada mountain range. The view was absolutely breath taking, even if it was still raining. Our tour of the Alhambra ended around noon, and we had the rest of the day to wander around the city. One of my friends from Loyola, Suzanna Hart (another blogger, check her out!) is studying abroad in Granada, and so we met up and she showed me her school and favorite cafes and hang out places in Granada. It was nice seeing her, and we planned to go out together that night.

After more tapas and drinks for dinner, my friends and I decided to see a Flamenco dancing show, which is extremely popular in Granada. We went to an underground bar called Liberia and saw an hour long show of flamenco dancing. It was such a fierce and beautiful dance, and the singer was mesmerizing. Totally different from anything I had ever experienced before. Later, we met up with my friend Suzanne and went to a club on the mountain side, facing the Alhambra. It was a blast to dance and experience the Granada night life. We returned home around 4 am, went to sleep, and set back off again for Alicante at 9 am the next day. It was definitely a great weekend in Granada, and I plan to return there one day!

This weekend definitely made me realize again how incredible and rewarding studying abroad is, especially for another semester. It truly is the most rewarding experience to travel the world and immerse yourself in different cultures. Some friends and I were talking about how happy we were to be doing this and having this adventure. We talked about trips and future plans, and we got onto the subject of money. I told them that I was able to do two semesters abroad because I worked my butt off the last three years to save up money, and also because I applied to every single scholarship I could find. To my surprise, I learned that a lot of the kids in my program did the same thing. They worked during college and won scholarships through their school and outside their universities as well. Everyone had their own story to tell about how they were able to afford this trip- Anna worked at Fannie May for two years saving money, and won a scholarship from her school. Spencer worked at his school library for a year, and Paula was a hostess at a restaurant, and they both also received financial help for the trip. I honestly thought a lot of kids were using their parents money to fund their trip, but instead came to find that they too had to find different means to study abroad, and they were successful at doing so.  I hope people learn, whether it’s through reading my blog, talking to me, or doing their own research, that studying abroad, even for just one semester, is possible. You don’t have to come from an affluent family or work as many years as I did to be able to afford going abroad. There is an abundance of scholarship programs and school funded financial aid awards to encourage people to study abroad. The Gilman scholarship program, for students with Pell grants, made it possible for me to study in Spain, as well as the USAC scholarship for Alicante. I really hope people don’t give up on going abroad because of the financial shadow that seems to be lurking above. With some proper research, applying, and strong desire, anyone can study abroad. There are endless opportunities available for students to encourage them to experience this amazing adventure.

Until next time, adios amigos!




This past “weekend” (Wednesday to Saturday- oh Norway) three of my friends and I took a nice little trip down to Berlin because the flight was $60 round trip and hey, why not, right? We found a super great hostel right in the heart of Alexanderplatz, a relatively trendy and fun area. Bonus: 10€ a night for some super stellar accommodations. Yay college budget. In short, Berlin is awesome. I never honestly had the desire to go but am soooo happy I did. In my mind, Berlin has always been the seedy underbelly-ish of Germany, I do’t know why. I just always associate it with super sketch techno clubs and scariness:p

Happily, this is not the case. We explored Alexanderplatz a decent amount right off the bat, mainly because we couldn’t find our hostel, so we ended up just circling around for a bit :] We picked up a brochure at the airport for a tour of the Ritter Sport chocolate factory, and, since I’m quite a fan of chocolate factory tours, we decided we should probably go the second we arrived at our hostel. Lucky for us, Ritter Sport was 10 minutes away and the place was heaven. The walls were covered in rows of colorful chocolates of every flavor and filling; literally the most beautiful thing ever. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to tour the actual factory part (apparently we’re too old?) but the experience of the rest of Ritter Sport was still pretty neato.

Next day, we saw a bunch of stuff. Visited the KaDeWe, which has everything ever; went to the Olympic Stadium, saw the Brandenburg Gate, checkpoint Charlie, the DDR museum, Schloss Bellevue, etc etc.

Best thing? THE FOOD. Döner Kebab has been one of my favorite foods since living in Italy, and Berlin is basically Döner central. YUM. Turkish pizza is also pretty delicious, as were all of the tasty noodle boxes and various street food items I was constantly stuffing into my mouth (I don’t think I ever really stopped eating on this trip). Tied for best food was the putenschnitzel we ate at this super adorable restaurant on our first night. I don’t eat pork, so turkey schnitzel is my fave meat dish when it comes to Germany. And this place did it right: giant slab o’ turkey, pounded down and breaded, covered with tons of mushrooms. A cute little salad on the side convinced me that what I was eating was entirely healthy. Underneath this massive cutlet, a treasure trove of super yum fried, spicy, awesome potatoes were waiting for me. Seriously, there was a little pile next to it, but as I ate away it was like I was unwrapping turkey wrapping paper to find a giant gift of potatoes beneath. What a great surprise.

All in all, Berlin was super cool. the last day, my friends went on a tour, but I get a bit bored with tours, so I just got lost in the city. I pointed myself in a direction we hadn’t walked and started walking. Ended up finding some super neat shops, a really strange birthday card with a troll on it for my little brother, and “the best kebab stand in Berlin” (which, when my friends and I returned later in the day to try it, was in the middle of being demolished. No joke. Saddest moment of my life).

Oh yea and .65 pretzels. Thanks Berlin. You’re great.



Midterm Report!

Midterm Report!

Hola Todos!!

I can not believe we are halfway through the semester!!! I have had a wonderful couple of weeks since my last blog.  Last week was Spring Break #1 of the 2 Spring Breaks we get and USAC took us to Cordoba, Granada, and Seville!  We saw the Mezquita in Cordoba, it was unbelievable, definitely one of my favorite buildings in the world!  The Mezquita is a mosque that was turned into a Catholic Christian Cathedral.  The architecture is out of this world.  I have a picture of it below.  In Granada we went to the Alhambra, it is a beautiful palace that has Jewish, Muslim and Christian architectural influences.  We got to spend 2 whole days in Seville.  The city is beyond beautiful, I would love to retire there.  All in all the trip was a success!  I bought souvenirs for my family and friends back home, and I was able to visit some beautiful buildings.

After the trip my friends and I decided to do some touristy things around Madrid.  Last Friday, we went to the Prado Museum, it is the big museum here in Madrid.  The museum is free to students all the time!  We took our time looking at the art because we won’t have to pay to go back!

This past week has been very hectic, the work load for my Spanish class is starting to pile up and we had a very difficult test yesterday.  Some of the people in the program do not get credit for the classes, others just get a pass/fail grade, and for Loyola students the class not only counts, but the score effects our GPA.  Motivation is key and the class just moves so fast sometimes, it is hard to focus, but I have been doing well so far!  Volunteering is going really really well, I look forward to spending time with the kids every Thursday.  The karate class has a tournament today, I was not able to ask where the competition is taking place but I hope to go to a competition in the future.

Last night, my intercambio Laura, she is an adult, invited me and my friend Bianca to dinner with her and her friends.  We got to practice our spanish!  We went to a  Peruvian restaurant and after we went out for drinks at a Cuban bar.  I am really glad that I have met some natives and have started hanging out with them, they really know how to have a good time.  Laura told Bianca and I where some good Latin clubs are, we are getting tired of Electric Music.  She told us about a club that gives salsa lessons before the club opens!  We are thinking about going next week!

Side Note:  I am going to ITALY in 2 weeks!!!!!!!


Alright for somethings that I have noticed:

Working is not a big deal.  In America it seems like our whole lives are centered around working, but here it is not the center of their lives.  I am not sure what their lives are centered around, maybe rest or relaxation.  I will ask around!

I have seen a TON of old women with bright red, pink, blue, or purple hair.  Some ladies dye their whole head and other ladies just have highlights.

We can not find some good ol’ Mexican food ANYWHERE!  They do not eat Refried beans, or yellow rice, or burritos.  They eat SO healthily.  Bianca and I went on a wild goose chase today looking for a Mexican store, but we never found one 🙁

Groceries are relatively cheap!  Bread is sold in loaves everywhere and you can find it for 39 cents, milk is 70 cents, for a 36 pack of eggs it is almost 2 euro, if that.  If only we did not have to exchange our dollars into euros…

***The Dollar is getting better! It is now $1.30 for 1 Euro and when we got here it was almost $1.40***

Alright that is all I have for now! Stay Tuned! 🙂

Hasta Luego!

Tyler Monroe

The Mezquita
The Beautiful Arches of the Mezquita
Plaza de Espana in Seville.


Crepes, Crepes, and more Crepes, please!

Crepes, Crepes, and more Crepes, please!

Sorry that is has been so long! February was a very busy month. SO MUCH TRAVELING!!

In the beginning of February I went to Paris!! It was an amazing trip because not only did I get to visit the City of Lights, but also I got to see my cousin and friend Mia. My cousin Bridget is studying in London for the semester and then Mia is in Paris. It was once in a lifetime experience to go and meet up with some of my best friends in such a beautiful city.

I arrived in Paris on Thursday night and stayed until Sunday morning. Bridget and I stayed together in the hostel because Mia is doing a home stay. On Thursday night we all met up to get dinner and catch up on our time abroad. We ended with our first night together by seeing the Eiffel Tower at night. It was the perfect way to end our first night together!

On Friday morning we got up early and walked around the city. Mia lives right near the Eiffel Tower so we walked from that area all the way to the Lourve. What was great about our trip was that Bridget and I had already been there when we were young with our grandparents, so we didn’t have to do any of the touristy stuff. We just roamed the streets of Paris, which was absolutely perfect. I had my first crepe and french macaroon there, AMAZING. I would go back solely to eat the macaroons.

We were tourists one day and went out to see the Palace of Versailles. I had never seen pictures of the Versailles, and I’m glad I didn’t; the pictures would not do it justice. It such a grand and beautiful place to go, and I would recommend anyone traveling to Paris to see it. The rooms were all extravagant and a bit ostentatious. My favorite (along with everyone else who goes to Versailles) was the Hall of Mirrors. I took a few mirror pictures, and I am not ashamed of it. After Versailles we went back to Paris, to again wander around Paris.

By far one of my favorite experiences I have had thus far in my time abroad. I still can’t believe that I got to see my closest friends in Paris! It was unreal to all be in Europe together and then being able to meet up.

Until next time….
