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  • January 12, 2012
  • 12:43 pm

Dr. Robert Roemer Retires After 38 Years in Academia

At a school wide faculty and staff meeting December 9th, Dr. Robert Roemer, who retired December 31, 2011 was recognized for his exemplary contributions to the academy spanning 38 years. With substantive contributions in scholarship, administration, and service, Bob’s accomplishments and recognitions, including a Fulbright Award, are numerous. Many School of Education students counted themselves among the privileged when they took his Rome courses. Bob is responsible for developing the SOE’s very successful summer Rome program. Dean Prasse, referring to the 11 years he worked with Bob stated, “You have been gracious, kind, supportive and gentle. I am deeply grateful for all you have done and more importantly for who you are. On behalf of all your former students and colleagues, I say thank you.”