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CEPS Program Newsletter #048 – July 11, 2014

Cultural and Educational Policy Studies, Loyola University Chicago

CEPS Students and Alumni-
I hope summer is treating everyone well!  Here is a mid-summer bulletin with information about some conference deadlines including * the CIES Midwest Regional Conference (July 31 deadline) [B2] and * the American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2014 Annual Meeting (July 22 deadline) [B2].  The AERA conference will take place in Chicago April 16-20, 2015 and is an excellent place to present one’s work and to hear and meet leading researchers across nearly all education specialty areas.  Please feel free to contact me or any other CEPS faculty members for feedback on a proposal or advice on what Division and/or SIG to submit your proposals to.  Finally, * please make note of the CEPS Reading Group summer book! which is a reasonably thin but very thoughtful piece by Martha Nussbaum titled _Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities_.  Additional info [A1] below.
~Prof. Noah W. Sobe, CEPS Program Chair and Graduate Program Director

CEPS Program Newsletter #048 – July 11, 2014

Table of Contents:

1. CEPS Theory and Method Reading Group: Summer Book
2. Fall 2014 CEPS Course Offerings
3. SOE Survey Research Course (Fall 2014)
4. Upcoming Graduate School deadlines

1. AERA Annual Meeting April 16-20, 2015 (Chicago, IL) – Deadline July 22
2. CIES Mid-West Regional Meeting Oct 10-11, 2014 (Bloomington, IN) – Deadline July 31
3. Society for the Philosophical Study of Education (SPSE) Nov 7-8, 2014 (Chicago, IL) – Deadline Sept 15


A.1. All CEPS students and alumni are invited to join the CEPS Theory and Method Reading Group in reading Martha Nussbaum’s _Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities_ (190 pages, Princeton University Press), which is “a spirited defense of the value of a liberal arts education and of the humanities in general against the encroachment of economic growth–oriented paradigms on global learning practices”.  See http://www.amazon.com/Not-Profit-Democracy-Humanities-Public/dp/0691154481 and http://pegasus.luc.edu/vwebv/holdingsInfo?bibId=1428814.  We will meet at Lake Shore Campus (location TBD) 1:30pm-3:00pm on Friday September 5th.

A.2. Fall 2014 CEPS courses
* ELPS 410 Sociology of Education (Phillippo) WTC  Wednesdays 4:15-6:45
* ELPS 420 Philosophy of Education (Shuffelton) WTC Tuesdays 7:00-9:30
* ELPS 455 Comparative Education (Sobe) WTC Mondays 4:15-6:45
* ELPS 550 Globalization and Education (Sobe) WTC Mondays 7:00-9:30
* ELPS 491 Issues in Education Policy (Shuffelton) WTC Tuesdays 4:15-6:45
[ELPS 491 will explore some of the conceptual underpinnings of contemporary education policy.  Public schools have long been assigned responsibility for preparing children to enter public space as democratic citizens, but this public function of schools is, according to many education scholars, currently challenged by neoliberal privatization.  In this course, we will consider how education policies are privatizing the public domain, using the Common Core State Standards as a focus of our investigation.  ELPS 491 will consider the ways in which contemporary US education policy addresses social, political and economic concerns, through a consideration of the CCSS’s concern with parental involvement, career and college readiness, and global competition. Framing our inquiry will be John Dewey’s and Hannah Arendt’s theorizations of the democratic public, and the course will begin with their inquiries into democratic publicity before turning to empirical and contemporary theoretical approaches to contemporary education policy.]

A.3. In Fall 2014 the School of Education will be offering Survey Research (RMTD 403), a course designed to equip students to construct reliable and valid surveys, which is a valuable skill in itself, but also used by many doctoral and master’s students in their dissertations or theses. The course moves through survey topic selection, construct development, advantages and disadvantages of types of questions, on-line and on-paper delivery modes, and consideration of how to code and analyze survey data. Within the course, students construct a small-scale survey of their own choosing. The class is limited to twelve students and is conducted in a supportive seminar style, with students helping each other with the steps of survey construction after a Power Point presentation on the topic of the week by the professor. Questions? email mwynne@luc.edu.

A.4. Upcoming Graduate School Deadlines
*July 15 – Last day to submit final approved hard copies of dissertations for August degree conferral
*August 1 – Last day to file an Application to Receive a Degree for December 2014 degree conferral
*August 15 – Last day to file late Application to Receive a Degree for December 2014 degree conferral


B.1. AERA Annual Meeting April 16-20, 2015 (Chicago, IL) – Deadline July 22.  Additional information at www.aera.net.

B.2. CIES Mid-West Regional Meeting Oct 10-11, 2014 (Bloomington, IN)  “Reimagining Internationalization: Critical Dialogues on Global Dimensions of Education” CALL FOR PROPOSALS: “In an increasingly interconnected world, internationalization is a phenomenon affecting every level of learning. At all levels of education, internationalization encourages the incorporation of global perspectives and dimensions. Its wide-ranging impacts are evidenced in fundamental shifts in curriculum, instruction, policy, and administration aimed at educating learners as global citizens. While internationalization efforts appear to offer many benefits, these efforts and the way in which they are studied need to be critically examined: Do these efforts perpetuate or break down structural, global inequalities? Who benefits? Who is excluded? What assumptions underlie the concept of internationalization? What does it mean to different educational stakeholders?  What technologies enhance internationalization opportunities? How does internationalization relate to ideas of global citizenship? What methods and methodological approaches may better help us study these questions?  How can internationalization be reimagined within a framework of social justice?”  This theme will guide conference participants, including researchers, graduate students, representatives of global institutions, civil society, and education practitioners, to reimagine the internationalization of education and inspire new conversations about inequality, development, policy, and methods as they relate to internationalization.  Deadline for proposal submissions: July 31, 2014.  Additional information available at https://education.indiana.edu/graduate/programs/history-philosophy-comparative/Midwestern%20CIES%20Conference%20-%20CFP1.pdf

B.3. The annual meeting of the Society for the Philosophical Study of Education (SPSE) will be held November 7 and 8, hosted at Columbia College in downtown Chicago.  The program committee invites papers to be submitted for presentation at the annual meeting and for possible subsequent publication in the ¬_Journal of the Philosophical Study of Education_. SUBMISSION PROCESS: Submit blind proposals as Word or PDF attachment to SPSEChicago@gmail.com by September 15, with “SPSE 2014” in thesubject line. In the body of your e-mail, please provide the following contact information: * Name, * Institutional Affiliation, * Email address.  Submissions should be paper summaries of no more than 1000-words, including references. All submissions should be, broadly speaking, philosophical and related in some way to education, in the widest sense. SPSE enthusiastically encourages submissions from graduate students. Accepted graduate student papers will be considered for the SPSE graduate student awards.
