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  • September 29, 2013
  • 3:10 pm

CEPS Program Newsletter #034 – September 29, 2013


Cultural and Educational Policy Studies, Loyola University Chicago



Greetings CEPS Students and Alumni-

Many thanks to those of you who were able to come to Professor Fujimoto’s talk last week on the Japanese lesson study – very interesting, comparative perspective on the changing strictures surrounding teacher autonomy and models of teacher research. Lots of other events coming up both at Loyola and around Chicago. If you learn of events or opportunities that can be shared via this newsletter please email them to my graduate assistant David Boven at dboven@luc.edu.

~Prof. Noah W. Sobe, CEPS Graduate Program Director



CEPS Program Newsletter #034 – September 29, 2013



Table of Contents:



1. Intl Higher Education faculty search on the horizon.


1. Children’s Rights Issue Briefing, Tuesday, October 1, 4:00pm

2. DePaul University Fall Forum, Tuesday, October 15, 5:30pm

3. Service Learning Summit at Northwestern University, October 23-25


1. Call for Papers, Global Summit on Childhood, April 10-13, 2014 (Vancouver, BC). Deadline: October 15, 2013.

2. Call for Papers, CIES, March 10-15, 2014 (Toronto, ON). Deadline: October 25, 2013 [Early Bird Oct 4th]

3. Call for Papers, PCA/ACA National Conference, April 16-19, 2014 (Chicago, IL). Deadline: November 1, 2013.

4. Call for Papers, Transnational Education and Learning Society, September 29-October 2, 2014 (Milwaukee, WI). Deadline: November 15, 2013.



1. Tenure-track position (Multicultural Education) at UNC-Asheville, Deadline: October 15, 2013.

2. Tenure-track position (International Education) at New York University, Deadline: Open until filled.




A.1. We are pleased to report that we have been given the green light to proceed with a faculty search. We’ll be hiring someone at the Assistant or Associate Professor level who will specialize in the area of International Higher Education. We will send around the job posting when it is finalized and ask for your assistance in publicizing it to friends and colleagues. Later on, towards the beginning of the Spring semester we anticipate having finalists come to campus for a day of interviews, a research presentation and meetings with students. Student input is a very important part of the search process and we will be sending out information about these interview days as they get closer.




B.1. CEPS students are invited to join speakers from Loyola University’s Center for the Human Rights of Children and The Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights for a children’s rights issue briefing. The briefing will address the Convention of the Rights of the Child, Optional Protocol on the Sale of Children, Prostitution, and Pornography, and review the 2013 Concluding Observations on the Second Periodic Report of the United States by the UN Committee in the Rights of the Child. It will be from 4:00pm to 6:00pm in Regents Hall of Lewis Tower on October 1, 2013.

B.2. DePaul University’s College of Education’s fall forum, “Latino Students: Challenges and Opportunities” will be held on Tuesday, October 15 from 5:30 to 7:30 at the DePaul Student Center, Room 314. As the student population changes, it is important for teachers to be well-prepared to educate culturally and linguistically diverse students. Latino children represent the largest ethnic group, making up 44% in CPS and 25% in Illinois schools.This forum will help current and future teachers and counselors develop a better understanding of the issues surrounding the growing Latino student population in schools. The event is free and open to the public. Teachers will receive 2 CPDUs. For more information and to RSVP contact Diane Horwitz at dhorwit1@depaul.edu or Sonia Soltero at ssoltero@depaul.edu.

B.3. The Buffet Center for International Comparative Studies and Northwestern University’s Center for Global Engagement are hosting an International Service Learning Summit October 23-25 at Northwestern’s campus in Evanston, IL. The theme will be “Building a Community of Practice” and those interested can get more information and register by visiting http://cge.northwestern.edu/events/2013-service-learning-conference/ or by contacting patrick.eccles@northwestern.edu.




C.1. The Association for Childhood Education International invites scholars to submit papers for the 2014 Global Summit on Childhood. The summit will be held April 10-13, 2014 in Vancouver, British Columbia. The summit will examine the societal changes that may provide opportunities for or threaten a positive childhood experience for the world’s children. The proposal submission deadline is October 15, 2013 and interested scholars can visit http://acei.org/programs-events/global-summit-on-childhood/page-4.html for more information.

C.2. The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) will hold its 58th Annual Conference at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, in Toronto, Canada from March 10-15, 2014. The conference theme, “Revisioning Education for All”, is intended to provide the scholarly community with an opportunity to critically and comparatively reflect on the history, contemporary issues and future of the EFA movement in a global context marked by rising social and income inequality within and between nations and shifts in the global balance of power. The early bird deadline is October 4, 2013. The final deadline for all submitted proposals is October 25, 2013. Proposals should be electronically submitted through the CIES online submission system (http://convention2.allacademic.com/one/cies/cies14). Proposals that do not comply with the CIES submission requirements will not be considered for inclusion in the program.

c.3. The Area of Education, Teaching, History and Popular Culture is now accepting submissions for the PCA/ACA National Conference, Chicago, IL, held April 16-19, 2014. Submissions that explore, connect, contrast, or otherwise address area themes of schooling, education, teaching (including preparing teachers/preservice teacher education), history, archival studies, and/or their linkages to popular culture from all periods are desired. Sample topics for papers include reflections/linkages between schooling and popular culture in the United States, the role of history in education, teaching, or preservice teacher education in the United States and the use(s) of popular culture in education, teaching, or preservice teacher education in the United States. The deadline for proposals is November 1, 2013. To be considered, interested individuals should please prepare an abstract of between 100-250 words and a brief biography of no more than 50 words. Individuals must submit electronically by visiting http://pcaaca.org/national-conference-2/proposing-a-presentation-at-the-conference/. Any further inquiries can be directed to Dr. Edward Janak at ejanak@uwyo.edu. For additional information about the conference, please see http://pcaaca.org/national-conference-2/.

C.4. The Transnational Education and Learning Society (TELS) is organizing an International Conference on Transnational Education and Learning from September 29-October 2, 2014 in Milwaukee, WI. It will provide scholars, administrators, and other practitioners with an academic forum that fosters the sharing of best practices, the challenges of existing paradigms, and the discussions on new ideas and frameworks. Topics include concepts and theories of transnational education and learning, policies and legal frameworks on transnational education, transnational education and information technologies, and evaluation and quality assessment in transnational education. The submission deadline is November 15, 2013. To Submit a proposal, go to http://www.uwosh.edu/llce/conted/conferences-and-workshops-1/tels-conference/presentation-proposal-form.




D.1. The University of North Carolina Asheville Department of Education invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Education to begin Fall 2014. Candidates should have a doctoral degree in multicultural education, social studies education, or a related field and experience in the field, preferably at both the K-12 and university level. The position requires ability to facilitate opportunities for UNC Asheville students and faculty to learn about tribal nations, provide information and opportunities to tribal nations to encourage enrollment of more American Indian students, and connect with tribal schools, Candidates should also have experience in multicultural and social justice initiatives, including those related to embracing the principles of social justice and democracy as an imperative in U.S. public schooling. Secondary scholarship would be desirable in two or more areas regarding issues of race, class, gender, and sexuality facing marginalized youth and/or first generation college students. Candidates should send a current vita, statement of teaching philosophy, three reference letters, and evidence of teaching ability to Elaine Dye at edye@unca.edu. Application review will begin immediately, and will continue until October 15, 2013.

D.2. New York University, Steinhardt School of Education announces a Tenure-track position at the Assistant/Associate level for a faculty member who will join the Program in International Education, which prepares students for professional careers in multinational and international settings. This Program develops educational experts at the MA level who design, implement and manage international education programs, and academics and researchers at the doctoral level who conduct cross-national and evaluation studies of international cultural and educational exchange, student and faculty mobility, education for international development, education in areas of conflict, trans-national migration, multicultural education, and the globalization of higher education. Candidates must have an earned doctorate in international/comparative education, or one of the social sciences, including sociology, political science, political economy, public policy, or applied economics. Field of specialization is open, but we are particularly interested in candidates who use quantitative methods to study education and international development. The successful candidate should have a well-defined research agenda, a record of published peer-reviewed research, and demonstrated potential for developing externally-funded research grants. Additional information at www.nyuopsearch.com/applicants/Central?quickFind=51786
