Tag: Clinicals

Living With My Best Friends

Living With My Best Friends

I often hear horror stories from friends and family about people who have roomed with their best friends in college and ended up hating their friends by the end of the year. So when making the decision last year to get an apartment with four of my best friends, I was a little hesitant and scared that the same thing would happen to us.

But I could not have been more wrong! My friends/roommates have turned out to be the best, and most supportive roommates I could have asked for. I am posting this today because just this morning they once again showed what wonderful people they are.

So today I had my first day of clinicals! For a secondary education major like myself, that means it was my first day observing in a classroom. This may not sound very intimidating, but let me tell you I was so nervous! I had never been in a classroom before as an adult and I was not sure what to expect. My roommates knew how important today was for me, so after I went to bed last night they hung up good luck signs all over our apartment! I woke up to a handful of encouraging signs and my roommates even woke up early to say good luck before I left!

I had to leave early, 6:45am, for my clinicals because I was placed at Coonley Elementary school in Mrs. Meegan’s 6th grade classroom. A degree in secondary education certifies me to teach grades 6-12, so this is the youngest I could be teaching.

And how did my first day go you ask? It was wonderful! My mentor teacher, Mrs. Meegan, was so friendly and helpful. It was only my first day and I already had the opportunity to take attendance, help put grades in the computer, grade papers, and work with small groups. Such a busy first day!

I look forward to the next two and a half weeks of working in my classroom and I know my roommates will be there for me if I run into any road bumps and need support.

One of the signs my roommates hung up for me this morning.
Another sign my roommates hung up for me this morning. Hanging from our ceiling fan!