May 1st is Approaching!

May 1st is Approaching!

It seems as if just yesterday it was my time to commit to Loyola University as a senior in college. It was a stressful feeling to decide whether or not this was it. Some may be set, but it is okay if Loyola was not your only option. As for me, I was down between two, but I am so grateful Loyola was what I decided on. Although there are a few days left, don’t be afraid to trust your gut feeling. Loyola for me was a good feeling; it took a couple of visits and tours to be certain and that is okay. Even if you are not a senior in high school, make sure to take the opportunities to visit and experience your home for the next four years. It is not the easiest decision, but Loyola has shown me the past 2 years that you find yourself. The different organizations, the small class sizes, the scenery, the connection made among student and faculty is incredible and made my decision seem worthwhile. As the deadline comes closer, feel confident in the decision you make. Compare your options and imagine yourself in the university to see if it really is meant to be. Once this happens, this is it. Enjoy your summer, get a job, and prepare yourself for the next amazing four years of your life; make it worthwhile.


Happy Summer!!

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