Make New Friends, but Keep the Old

Make New Friends, but Keep the Old

This week has been sort of a learning experience for me. Monday-Thursday, I have had friends come into Chicago for their spring breaks as a vacation. Living in Chicago, they wanted me to show them around and hang out with me. While I was appreciative to have friends that wanted to see me, it wasn’t exactly easy, especially because they stayed for more than one weekday.

In honor of others’ spring breaks, and in hopes that you’ll see some familiar faces coming to visit you these next few weeks, here are some things that I think will help you get through 6 of your friends and family members visiting you all at once.

1. Make a plan.
Easier said than done, but ask them what they want to do when they get into the city. It’ll make you planning your day a little bit easier.

2. Go to classes.
While I by no means have perfect attendance, I genuinely tried to go to classes while my family and friends were here. They’ll understand that you go to school here and that even if it’s their spring break, it’s not yours.

3. Don’t stress.
Your life and their life will both be harder if you worry about being with them every second of the trip. Work around obstacles like classes, and if they’re down for it, you can even ask your professors if they can come to class so you can show them what a typical day is like for you!

4. Get guest passes early.
If they’re staying with you, make sure that you get a guest past 24 hours in advance of their stay if they’re planning on staying with you and you’re a freshman.

Good luck showing your guests around!

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