Hi everyone! Just a reminder that housing registration started yesterday for upperclassmen.
(Note–everyone that is not a freshman is considered an upperclassmen here at Loyola).

The way it works is on a lottery system–all student’s names are entered in and they are randomly assigned numbers, ranging from 1 to what I believe this year was around 1600. While you will get a reminder email that you can start registration for housing, keep an eye on the time your chosen day. Housing spaces go fast–so here’s also a reminder to have a back up plan or two. Maybe even three.

If you’re like me and have no idea what any of the other residence halls that you live in look like, no fear. Loyola offers a solution for that, on their res-life page. (I will post the link at the end of this article.) Know the different styles of rooms that the halls offer–for example, Georgetown Hall is all quints, meaning that you will HAVE to have 5 people at registration when you attempt to get a room.

Another reminder–make sure that you have your roommate’s roommate pin (a four number code that they will have made up to ensure that whomever is trying to room with them has thei

A list of all of the residence halls with pictures and possible videos: http://www.luc.edu/reslife/currentstudents/halls/
Loyola’s Explanation and step-to-step guide on housing: http://www.luc.edu/reslife/currentstudents/apply/

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