

Finals are quickly approaching us! Teachers are slowly but surely wrapping up their lessons for the class and students are studying hard in the IC Building and elsewhere. Depending on what class students may have, some finals may be cumulative, just on some certain sections, or may have a project to substitute for a regular sit-down exam format. From what I have heard from upperclassmen, most finals will be cumulative. Luckily for me, I have one exam that is only on four chapters while I have two exams that are cumulative.

Since I am in the pre-med track, I currently am taking a Biology and Chemistry course with additional labs. Labs, fortunately conclude earlier in comparison to their lecture classes by one to two weeks. Lab finals are a little different as it is called a “practical” rather than a “final”. Here, you have to test your skills by physically getting up and doing a simple technique learned in class. In addition, lab practicals are not weighted into the overall grade; it is a point-based system.

Next week’s schedule will be different for everybody because finals are scheduled at specific places at a given time and day. They do not occur during regular class time because some classes are only fifty minutes while some other classes are seventy-five minutes. Every final will be two hours.

As this week progresses, I will continue to study hard for my finals coming up as it will be my first time taking college finals. I will prioritize my time here on campus, study as much as possible, but also leave out some time to relax and breathe.

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