Relax and Breathe

Relax and Breathe

securedownload (4)The best place on the Lake Shore Loyola Campus to relax, reflect, and take a deep breath would be to sit on the ledge facing the lake (behind the IC or chapel). Unlike most schools, Lake Michigan can be considered like our backyard because quite literally, it is. The sound of the waves/water are soothing and on bright, wonderful days, the sky is clear and the water is vibrantly blue. Occasionally, you can see speed boats, birds and seagulls, and other things out in the water too. The best thing about the lake is the fact that you cannot see land on the other side; the water is vast and big. When I see the lake, I think that my success is out there somewhere; my dream to become a physician is huge, but with determination and hard work, accomplishing my goal is doable.
Most people during their free time come here to sit, eat lunch, talk, and more; as a commuter without a dorm room or meal plan, I come here often to let loose and eat lunch I have brought from home. College can be overwhelming and stressful at times-quizzes, papers, exams, online assignments- but if you give yourself a break and do nothing but enjoy the view of the lake, everything will be better. Now that it is fall and with winter approaching, it can be hard to walk out there and sit down because of the cold temperatures, but that does not stop me from enjoying the view of the lake. I can go sit in one of the comfy chairs on the second and third floor of the IC Building and look out. Here at Loyola, the lake will always be a beautiful and permanent highlight of the school year-round.
Relax and breathe; things will be alright.
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