Madonna Della Strada

Madonna Della Strada

Loyola’s cathedral, Madonna Della Strada, is the most beautiful cathedral I have ever seen in America (I say America because the most beautiful cathedrals I have ever seen are located in Rome, where I spent a semester abroad). Whether you’re inside the cathedral attending Sunday mass or jogging by the cathedral on a lakefront run, I guarantee you will be captivated by our remarkable cathedral.

“Best College Review” recently ranked “The 30 Most Beautiful College Cathedrals.”  Of course, Madonna Della Strada is on the list, taking the number 16 spot.  (I think it should be number 1… but hey 16th out of every college cathedral is amazing!)  Check out the article here to read a what “Best College Review” had to say about our cathedral.

Madonna della Strada Original Interior

Here’s a picture of the cathedral before it was renovated in 2006-2007.  Check out the article for the new, modern interior of Madonna Della Strada.

Picture published by Loyola University Chicago University Archives and Special Collections.  Found at



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