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Trash, a long lasting problem

Five years ago I wrote a commentary in the Journal of Macromarketing about two sides of the same coin. We consume lot of stuff, tons of stuff, and it either gets recycled (side one) or it gets trashed (side two). I would attach my commentary to this note if I could figure out how; I can’t so I won’t. You can get it yourself.

Benton, Raymond Jr., (2015), Reduce, Reuse, Recycle … and Refuse,” Journal of Macromarketing Vol. 35, No. 1: pp. 111-122.

Today, just now, I read a Wired article about, well, much the same thing: the trash and the garbage we generate, from space junk to, as the title says, crap (in the sense of poop).


I present them to you as my little bag of things to read and consider before the summer is over (which will be sooner than you or I would like).

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