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Student Profile: Richard Osty

Name: Richard Osty

Major: Finance, Minor: Asian Studies

Expected Graduation Year: 2017

Dream Job: Creating innovative financial solutions

How has the BA Lab helped with your major?

The Business Analytics lab has helped me explore my intellectual curiosity within finance and asset management in particular. I have had access to industry standard technology, platforms, and resources to aid my learning process.

What do you like most about the lab and why?

The most valuable part about the lab is the accessibility. There is always the opportunity to come in and talk to Professor Harfoush and Jose about any new ideas.

What is missing in the lab you wished you had?

Quinlan should consider adding couches or comfortable seating that would help people read or brainstorm.

Are you currently interning/working in a field that requires analytics? If yes how has the lab helped prepare you?

I will be working at JP Morgan Asset Management where Bloomberg is used on a daily basis. It was very helpful to have already learned about the many capabilities of Bloomberg using the BA lab during previous semesters.

Is there anything you like to share with prospective students, parent or even current students who haven’t been in the lab before? 

For those who have not used the BA lab yet I would say the BA Lab is the most valuable room at Loyola for anyone that is working with any type of data, regardless of major or field. The access to data streams via Bloomberg, Reuters, etc is invaluable and not available to many other undergrad/grad programs. Loyola students have an advantage and more people should use this advantage!


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