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Quinlan Ramble Reflection- Madelyn Cruz

The Quinlan Ramble trip was an amazing experience from all aspects. The trip not only gave me the opportunity to learn about my future career path, but also expanded my perspective regarding the multi-functional aspects of being a professional in the finance sector. The experiences that I have gained through this program allowed me to navigate through the path of business. Additionally, I was able to develop many skills to provide accurate, timely, clear and complete support and information for the company or community that I look forward to working with. I look forward to setting high standards of excellence for my future career using what I learned from many alumni from Loyola and business professionals. Through this program, I was able to grow as a leader, which is necessary to encouraging growth and advancement. Ultimately, this allowed me to see my career path from a holistic approach. This program gave me an incredible insight on how Finance and Business aim to make the best collective decisions because every action affects the financial, human, physical, and environmental resources of any organization. I look forward to using the knowledge that I obtained from this opportunity to make the lives of others better through wise financial planning decisions.

Finance is a universal concept that affects and concerns the lives of every person. All individuals should know the importance of finances regardless of their profession or area of study. At some point in life, everybody, not only big corporations, faces concerns regarding the proper and efficient management of wealth. The Quinlan Ramble program allowed me to obtain invaluable knowledge to understand the challenges and expand the boundaries in the business sector. The Loyola Alumni and business professionals provided me with an overall idea of their position. Consequently, I became aware that in my career path, one must wear many hats. The responsibilities that I will hold in my future role do not only involve finance, but also operations, accounting, human resources, facilities and other duties depending on the company that I will work for. These professionals allowed me to see what a typical day for them looks like. This trip gave an overview on how these professionals plan and prioritize which eventually allows them to execute precise tasks. Furthermore, as a growing professional in Finance, I am aware that emergencies will happen, however, under this position one must be incredibly flexible because saying “no” is not an option.  Loyola University is always looking for opportunities to make sure that all students succeed, and I have found this invaluable as I work toward my goals. The Quinlan Ramble program helped me to build a network of connections and experiences that will set the stage for my career.

Madelyn Cruz
Quinlan Class of 2018

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