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Quinlan Ramble Reflection- Lourdes Guzmán Sánchez

As a Dual Business Degree student from Loyola Andalucía University in Spain, I felt like part of a big family during the Quinlan Ramble trip to New York City. Finding out that I was not the only international student on the trip reinforced one of the reasons why I love Loyola: its diversity. El Salvador, Panama, Madagascar, Ukraine, Albania and Guatemala are some of the nations from which my classmates in the Quinlan Ramble come from.

Spending an entire week with this group of students helped me see other perspectives and opinions that I hadn’t heard before. I have seen confidence, leadership, self-trust, passion, wisdom, humbleness and many other great skills on each one of the students that participated in the Quinlan Ramble. In a way, seeing all of them interact in the business world and trying to give their best was a very eye-opening experience. I could not be more thankful to the Quinlan School of Business for providing me with such a great opportunity.

Our Spring Break was a continuous exciting experience from beginning to end. However, the start of the week was just amazing. I found myself in the heart of Wall Street, in the NYSE.  I could not stop smiling during the entire day. It was literally the best Monday of my life. However, it was not the city and the places we visited what made this trip unique but rather the passion-driven professionals that we met while visiting some of the most amazing companies in the Big Apple.

Each one of the companies we visited had a different environment and were unique in their own way. As an international student, Bloomberg is one of the companies that chad the biggest impact on me. One of the professionals we met at Bloomberg was from Italy and in the walls of the building there were pictures of people from all over the world. The fact that such big companies care about diversity and integration made me hopeful about my future as a business woman.

I would like to thank the trip’s coordinators: Alex See, Chelsea Donahue and Meghan Coletta. Their leadership, confidence, life-long advice, and smiles added a greater value to the Quinlan Ramble to NYC. This trip has truly been an ongoing learning and passion-driven experience that I will stay with me forever.

Lourdes Guzmán Sánchez
Quinlan/ULA Class of 2018
Dual Degree

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