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Bloomberg Tips and Tricks 1

“Terminal Tips”

The Bloomberg Terminal, here in referred to as the “Terminal, is among the premier tools in the finance industry. What makes it special is the patchwork of functions that it is comprised of. These functions cover almost every area in finance and are extremely useful in conducting research on securities. That being said, mastering the Terminal is a daunting task for new users due to the shear amount of functions that exist. Where does one start? This series of Terminal tips seeks to illuminate the most useful functions in each asset class. To start off we will go over a broad set of functions that are useful when first starting. So wallah, here they are:


Help and Utility Functions

FLDS- Search fields for an underlying security. The function is also applicable to the Excel API for the Bloomberg.

FNCF- Search functions that are available for use in the Terminal.

HELP- Access Bloomberg’s help desk, includes tutorials and detail explanations on the Terminal.



ETF – Screen exchange traded funds (ETFs) by strategy, geographic focus, market capitalization and asset class while providing the user with a dashboard of key metrics on the search results.

SCRE – Screen individual equites based on country, sector, exchange and status.

BI- Bloomberg Intelligence reports on sectors. Functionality includes aggregation of major sector components, ratios, news and valuation.



YASN- Advanced fixed income analytics. The function provides users with the ability to test rate increases on fixed income securities and yield curves.

OVME- Option price calculator with multiple methods for pricing an option. Very useful for those Bloomberg users who want to apply option pricing theory.

HRA- Bloomberg’s built in regression function. The function is very useful for examining correlation, causation and beta of security.


Quick Graphs

CCRV- Short cut for commodity term-structure graph

GC- Fixed income yield curve graphs

GIP- Intraday price history

GP- Long-term price history

GV- Graphs the implied and realized volatility for an underlying security



ECO- Calendar of upcoming weeks of economic releases for multiple countries.

ECST- All the economic reports and published indicators a country offers. The types range from monetary to sentiment.



ESG- Bloomberg’s in-depth environmental, social and governance ranking for listed equities. The function calculates a composite ranking based on a multitude of factors. Furthermore, the function allows users to compare this rating against historical data and peers.




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