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Macy’s- Drop in Sales

The retail shopping landscape is changing and Macy’s is now facing a wave of store closures (1oo stores). Sears, Kohl’s and Ralph Lauren are some of the many companies who are trying to compete online retailers.

After six quarters of dropping sales, Macy’s Inc. is attempting to explore new ways to save money by joining potential partners for joint ventures and other alliances. Consumers are changing their buying patterns and Macy’s has not been able to adjust to these changes.

With Macy’s taking out 14% of their stores in the next year, this will have broad impact on their supply chain as they plan to reinvest in the best performing stores by adding vendor stores within their own stores, upgrading their technology, and beefing up internet operations.

More information can be found here

Harry Haney. Associate Director, Supply and Value Chain Center

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