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Step to Fix a Broken S&OP Process

Business complexity and outdated systems are no excuse for a broken S&OP process.

Robert Valletta tells a great story about how a $1 Billion global biotech company with more than 10,000 SKUs, 7 plants, 3 DCs overcame an unsynchronized ERP system, a forecasting system without a reporting module, and no budget for new systems or more demand planners to realize unit demand forecast accuracy improvements of 8-15%. Valletta goes into detail on the 7 steps the company took to turn the situation around. The common thread in each of those steps is people working toward a common goal to find solutions focused on “how might we?” instead of “why we can’t”.

While this article was focused around S&OP, the lessons learned are universally applicable.

-Harry Haney, Assistant Director, Supply & Value Chain Center

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