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The most important thing I learned while abroad…

I was so fortunate to be one of the few that could say I’ve lived abroad. I thank everyone for such a great opportunity and learning experience. I have learned so much more about myself, others and the world, and I wanted to conclude my blog with some of the biggest lessons I have learned. I’ll keep it down to 10:

10: You will be fine if you go 48 hours without wifi.

9: The bus might come in 5 minutes or 45 minutes. And you’ll have to deal with it.

8: Subtracting 7 hours will become the easiest thing in the world.

7: It is acceptable to have pasta, pizza and gelato twice a day, every day.

6: Having to pay to go to the bathroom is somehow a thing.

5: Prepare to fast from any Starbucks or Chipotle because you’ll go a good long time without it.

4: Credit/Debit cards are not to pay for items, but to take money out to buy items.

3: It’s okay to NOT have a sense of urgency and spend 5 hours eating dinner.

2: Locals love to talk to visitors and love to practice their English. Give them satisfaction.

And most importantly, 1: life happens

Step outside that comfort zone – and that’s where life will happen. And be grateful for the experiences you have outside that zone. Life is very precious. I unfortunately had to end my experience early due to the loss of my father. It only reassured me of the lessons I learned – take every opportunity, because you just might learn the most important life lessons while having fun.


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