The GoGlobal Blog


Abroad During a Pandemic and War

Abroad During a Pandemic and War

Pandemic I had been doing so well for 2 years, but I finally caught Covid-19. I am thankful in a way that I got it now because I am fully vaccinated with a booster, meaning that my symptoms have been all but nonexistent, and most importantly I didn’t spread it to any of my friends. …

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How I’ve Been Recently + a Trip to Florence

How I’ve Been Recently + a Trip to Florence

Update on me These past few days have been interesting, to say the least. At the very beginning of our semester here, the school psychologist talked with us about the different “stages” that study abroad students, or anyone who moves abroad for that matter, tend to go through. The first stage is one of excitement …

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Orientation Week

Orientation Week

Man, I can’t remember the last time I was as exhausted as I was during orientation week. It was really fun though, meeting a bunch of new people, exploring our new home, and learning about the new school. Here’s a little recap of how the week went! – Tuesday/Wednesday – I flew out of the …

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