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  • March 18, 2016
  • 10:22 am

Mayor Emanuel Visits Lovett Elementary School

LOVETT_SCHOOL_20161On February 11th, Mayor Rahm Emanuel came to see personalized learning in action  at Lovett Elementary!  ​​ Principal Leviis Haney (EdD ’11) is proud of his school.  He shared, “The mayor was able to observe our flex rotation model.  During flex rotations, students break up into groups based on their RIT scores and skill being taught.  Six classrooms that are broken up into two pods are then split among 9 teachers, 1 aide, 1 tutor, and 4 student teachers, bringing the student/teacher ratio to 12 students per instructor.  Each instructor then provides targeted, intense instruction based on student needs. Technology is leveraged to lower the student teacher ratio even more.  Students utilize Compass Learning, Lexia, and Myon which is differentiated according to student ability levels and needs. Teachers conference with students about their edTech data on a weekly basis.  Students set their own learning goals and are motivated to meet their goals on their own.”