African Root: The Door of No Return

Everyone has the desire to know where their ancestry comes from. We all need to know our history. A few years ago, many Black Americans decided to figure out their background through DNA testing. Some of them found out that their ancestors came from Cameroon, Senegal, Ghana and numerous other African countries. There are probably many of you who still don’t know where your ancestors were captured from before arriving to America. That is why Culturally Yours went to the Island of Gorée in Senegal (West Africa) to look through the “door of no-return” and tell you the story.


Spanish Translation

Raíz Africana De La Puerta De No Retorno

Toda persona tiene el deseo de saber de dónde él / ella viene. Todos necesitamos conocer nuestra historia . Hace algunos años , los estadounidenses negros querían averiguar sus antecedentes a través de una prueba de ADN . Algunos de ellos encontraron que sus antepasados ​​vinieron de Camerún, Senegal , Ghana y muchos otros países africanos . Todavía hay probablemente muchos de ustedes que no saben dónde se cambiaron sus antepasados ​​antes de venir a América. Es por ello que el suyo culturalmente fueron a la isla de Gorée en Senegal (África Occidental ) para mirar a través de la “puerta de no retorno ” para contar la historia .

French Translation

Racine Africaine : La Porte du Non-Retour

Chaque être humain à le désir et le droit de connaître l’origine de ses ancêtres. Nous aimerions tous connaître notre histoire. L’histoire de nos peuples. Il y a quelques années, les noirs américains ont voulu connaître leurs pays d’origine en Afrique. Cette cette découverte était possible a travers des tests d’ADN. Beaucoup d’entre eux ont ainsi retrouver leur racine soit au Cameroun, Sénégal, Ghana et beaucoup d’autres pays africains. Il y a sans doute beaucoup parmi vous qui ne savent pas d’où leurs ancêtres furent capturer avant d’être envoyer en Amérique. C’est la raison pour laquelle, Culturellement Vôtre s’est rendu sur l’Ile de Gorée au Sénégal pour le découvrir à travers la porte du non-retour

9 thoughts on “African Root: The Door of No Return

  1. I’ve never been there but it looks amazing! The horrific crimes that happen there are disheartening but thanks for sharing this piece.

  2. No problem! It is unfortunate that these human crimes happened. The museum is a must-visit site. Thanks for visiting!

  3. Nicole, if you have a chance to visit Africa, I recommend you to go to Senegal. The history of the House of slave has a diverse culture and Senegalease people are very welcoming. That is why their country is called the country of Teranga (Welcome).

  4. very interesting i love to learn about other cultures, this blog has a lot of potential congratulations

  5. Thank you so much! If you would like to learn more, please contact us on our blog or social media websites! Feel free to share this post and more with your friends and family!

  6. Thanks. There are still more to come. Just stay connected and follow us on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages.

  7. An interesting piece. I liked the historical footage and the commentary. Keep it up!

  8. Thank you Norbert. It is always interesting to know about people’s history. Stay connected to our blog and visit and like our Facebook page to know more!

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