Archive for the ‘Impact of Environmental Toxins on Children’ Category

Addressing Substandard Housing in Chicago

May 29th, 2018

June is National Healthy Homes month and a perfect time to think about how substandard housing impacts the health and well-being of children and to reflect on a strategy for addressing substandard housing in our community. Millions of families throughout the nation struggle to secure safe, healthy and affordable housing. This is especially true for […]

Child Abuse Prevention Month: ACE Interventions

Child Abuse Prevention Month: ACE Interventions

April 11th, 2018

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month (CAPM)–a month in which we raise awareness around maltreatment of one of our most vulnerable populations, children. Maltreatment defines almost all forms of violence against children, including exploitation, physical and mental violence, abuse and neglect. CAPM was first recognized in a 2016 proclamation by President Obama. President Obama’s […]

Happy Universal Children’s Day?

November 20th, 2017

Happy  Universal Children’s Day!!!   Yes, that’s right, November 20th is Universal Children’s Day; a day the UN General Assembly declared in 1954 as a day to “promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving child welfare.”  November 20 also has added meaning because on this date the UN adopted two critical documents that promote […]

The Cognitive and Mental Health Risks of Child Exposure to Environmental Toxins

March 4th, 2016

After the recent water crisis in Flint, Michigan—described recently in another blog by CHRC’s Patrick CoatarPeter—the issue of environmental toxin exposure, disproportionately experienced by underserved communities and individuals of color, has again risen to the public’s attention. The CHRC has identified children’s environmental health, including possible exposures to these toxins, as one of three priority […]

Access to Clean Water – A Human Rights Issue

February 3rd, 2016

Access to clean water is a basic resource for human survival.  Increasingly, however, access to clean water is being compromised around the world.  While the United States is rich in clean water, evidence suggests that some local governments are failing to deliver it equitably to all residents. Ironically, today’s most notable clean water crises are […]

The Shame of the United States’ Failure to Ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

February 13th, 2015

In January of this year, the government of Somalia ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), making it the 195th country to do so. Somalia’s action leaves only the United States and South Sudan remaining in the group of nations who have not yet ratified the CRC in the 26 years since […]