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CEPS Faculty on Gun Violence in American Schools

CEPS faculty members address the problem of gun violence in American schools in recent publications.  Professor Kate Phillippo, together with Loyola School of Social Work Professor Michael Kelly have just published a blog post on SSWN, a resource for school social workers, titled “Calling B.S. On Current School Safety Efforts: Legislators, Not Educators, Must Act To Protect Schools From Mass Murderers” (23 Feb, 2018).  Professor Amy Shuffelton also works on this topic and is the editor of a special journal issue dedicated to “Theorizing Gun Violence in Schools: Philosophy, Not Silver Bullets” (Educational Theory, Volume 65, Issue 4 – August 2015).


Media contact

Dr. Kate Phillippo, kphilippo@luc.edu

Dr. Amy Shuffelton, ashuffe@luc.edu