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  • December 7, 2017
  • 8:10 pm

CEPS Program Newsletter #078– December 7, 2017

Cultural and Educational Policy Studies, Loyola University Chicago
CEPS Students and Alumni – Best of luck with papers and final assignments as the Fall semester ends up. See below for a list of Spring and Summer CEPS courses [A3]. If you have you have opportunities or announcements to include in a future issue of this newsletter please send them to my graduate assistant Janese Nolan at jnolan7@luc.edu.

-Noah W Sobe

~CEPS Program Chair, 2017-2018
CEPS Program Newsletter #078– December 7, 2017

Table of Contents:


1. LUCES Kaleidoscope Submissions (Friday, Dec 7)

2. CEPS Graduate Student Government Representative

3. CEPS Spring and Summer 2018 Courses

4. CEPS Book Group Spring Semester


1. CESE 2018, May 29 – June 1, 2018 (Nicosia, Cyprus) Deadline: February 1, 2018

2. JCSHESA 2018, Deadline: December 15, 2017

3. ISCHE 2018, August 29-September 1, 2018 (Berlin, Germany) Deadline: January 31, 2018


1. International Educators of Illinois (IEI)


1. Al Qasimi Foundation Research Assistant (DUE: ASAP)

2. University of South Carolina Department of Educational Studies Tenure Track Position in Educational Foundations (DUE: ASAP)

3. University of Dayton Department of Teacher Education Tenure Track Position (DUE: DECEMBER 7, 2018)

4. University of San Francisco School of Education Tenure Track Assistant Professor (Due: DECEMBER 11, 2017)


A.1. LUCES is pleased to introduce Kaleidoscope, the fourth annual publication of a literature and arts journal for women of color by women of color. What experiences have shaped who you are? The right to define yourself can be an intentional act of resistance. These subthemes are what we, the Kaleidoscope Committee, found to be the most significant to the theme of Naming our Truth: An Exploration of the Self and Community. The Submission deadline is Friday, December 8 (submit before 11:59 PM). All artifacts (Essays/Reflections, Poetry, Photos and Print Art) must be the original work of

the author. All submissions are assumed to be the opinion and experience of the contributor and not necessarily a reflection of the views of Loyola University Chicago. There are 7 different types of submissions that will be accepted: Articles, Essays/Reflections, Poetry, Art, Photography, Audio, and Video. Although you have the ability to submit 7 different categorical pieces, we reserve the right to review and select all pieces for possible inclusion. For questions related to the Journal, please contact Kimani Goheen (kspeights@luc.edu) or Tristen Hall (thall3@luc.edu). For More information on submissions https://orgsync.com/73887/forms/289153

A.2. We are grateful to Julia Allison for serving as this year’s CEPS representative on GSAC (Graduate Student Advisory Council). A part of the university’s shared governance system, GSAC acts on behalf of graduate students by serving as their voice in communication with faculty and administration, providing financial funding, and encouraging interaction between graduate students across all campuses. If you have any related questions or concerns please reach out to Julia at jallison1@luc.edu.

A.3. CEPS Spring and Summer 2018 Courses

Spring Semester CEPS Graduate Courses (Registration is now open)

· ELPS 412 Urban Education (Phillippo) WTC, Tuesdays 7:00-9:30 [hybrid online and face-to-face]

· ELPS 420 Philosophy of Education (Shuffelton) WTC, Wednesdays 4:15-6:45

· ELPS 444 History of American Education and Social Policy (Instructor TBD) WTC, Mondays 7:00-9:30

· ELPS 455 Comparative Education (Jules) WTC, Thursdays 4:15-6:45

· ELPS 540 Seminar History of Education: Globalization of Childhood (Sobe) WTC, Mondays 4:15-6:45

This course will examine the history of childhood from a global perspective. Over the course of the semester students will deepen their knowledge of historical experiences of children in various settings around the globe. Students will also grapple with the thorny and fascinating issues that emerge within this historical subfield. These range from questions related to the definition of the topic, such as (1) to what extent does one write histories of children or histories of childhood; (2) to what extent can we study “children” internationally and cross-culturally given the variety of ways that different cultures identify human life-stages; (3) relatedly, how are infancy and adolescence or youth related to childhood; (4) how has modernity and/or globalization reshaped childhood on national and/or global scales; and, (5) and, taking gender into consideration, asking whether is it even legitimate to write about childhood, as perhaps instead we should study boyhoods and girlhoods. The history of childhood also raises a host of methodological issues. For example, (6) can we study children without including their “voices” or documents produced by them; (7) given the paucity historical documents in archives produced by people under age 16 what other forms of evidence can we examine; (8) or, is there actually a surprisingly abundance of information on childhood out there that we only need to be clever enough to see and distill; (9) should we be concerned that it is overwhelmingly adults who write the history of childhood, and relatedly what service do studies of childhood perform for children themselves. These questions and more! will be addressed in this advanced seminar.

Summer Semester [Summer A] CEPS Graduate Course

· ELPS 458 International Education (Jules) WTC, Mondays and Wednesdays 5:00-8:00 [hybrid online and face-to-face] This advanced seminar, which is both theoretical and applied, introduces students to issues and institutions involved in international educational development. This course will provide students with a deep understanding of the changing role of educational development projects in light of the post-2015 development agenda, post-financial crisis and global recession, post-Ebola epidemic, and

post-Arab Spring periods. Students will spend time exploring and understanding how these many ‘post-contexts and settings’ are changing the nature of development and the educational responses that are now coordinated across different scales and spaces (national, regional and global levels).

A.4. The CEPS Book Group will continue in the Spring semester and we are hoping that you will join us for a few minutes in starting to think about the next one and selecting CEPS Book Group’s spring read. We are asking for your votes now with the aim of having a title next week so that people who would like to can go ahead and get started with their reading over the break.

In addition, a couple of changes are coming to the book group next semester. First, we are intending to hold our initial meeting towards the end of January/early February in order to set a better pace and avoid adding to the end-of-semester rush in April. Second, we thought it might be a nice change to find somewhere off-campus for our meetings – a place with coffee, drinks, a little food, and a comfortable and conversational atmosphere. So, stay tuned for updates with the new location, as well as meeting dates and times, beginning in January!

Possible selections are:

* The Big Sort, by Bill Bishop

* Staying Alive: A Survival Manual for the Liberal Arts, L.O. Aranye Fradenburg

* Educating for Insurgency: The Roles of Young People in Schools of Poverty, by Jay Gillen and Bob Moses

* Migrant, Roma and Post-Colonial Youth in Education across Europe: Being ‘Visibly Different’, by Julia Szalai and Clair Schiff (Eds.)

* Why Rural Schools Matter, by Maria Tieken

If you have an interest in joining the bookgroup next semester please go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QP7WCSP to complete the survey. If you have any questions, contact either Julia (jallison1@luc.edu) or Jacob (bdeldotto@luc.edu). We will be closing voting at the end of the day, Monday December 11th.



B.1. The Comparative Education Society of Europe (CESE) will hold its 28th Biannual Conference in Nicosia, Cyprus, May 29 – June 1, 2018 under the theme “Identities and Education: Comparative Perspectives in an Age of Crisis.” The conference offers the chance to examine and problematize our contemporary moment. Through the heuristic of identity, the conference aims at creating a platform for understanding our current challenges and considering the potential of education to address them. For more info please visit: www.cese-europe.org/2018. The conference submission system will open November 1, 2017 and close February 1, 2018.

B.2. JCSHESA is seeking submissions for our upcoming special issue Resilience, Resistance, and Reclamation to be published in spring 2018. For this issue, we seek authors willing to challenge the status quo of higher education policies and practices used to divide us during the current Trump-era administration. Further, we want to build a special issue that speaks to nuanced experiences that dismantle oppressive practices and illuminates the collective knowledge of marginalized voices in higher education. Suggested topics for submissions include: * The impact of the governmental rescission of DACA; * Rise of domestic and global white nationalism in higher education; *

The effect of hurricane relief efforts on college campuses; * Rollback of Title IX government regulations; * The impact of potential GOP tax cut plans on graduate students; * Neo-colonization in American higher education; * The experiences of international students with conservative immigration policies; and * Other topics related to injustices imposed by the Trump-era administration. Interested authors and contributors should submit abstract proposals no longer than 500 words (not including possible references) forreview. The proposals should provide an overview of the submission, fit within the special issue topic, significance to higher education and student affairs, and employment of a critical, social framework. Proposals should be submitted via email to jcshesa@gmail.com. Once submissions are reviewed, authors will be notified of accepted proposals and sent further details and full manuscript guidelines for peer review and publication. Undergraduate students, graduate students, and community members with a familiarity and understanding of critical social frameworks are encouraged to apply. Abstract proposals due: December 15, 2011. More information can be found http://ecommons.luc.edu/jcshesa/

B.3. The International Standing Conference on the History of Education (ISCHE) will be holding its 40th annual conference on the campus of Humboldt University in Berlin Germany, August 29-September 1, 2018 under the theme “Education and Nature”. Since the early modern era, the modern project of education has been closely associated with another modernist project, namely the clear distinction between a purportedly unchangeable ‘nature’, on the one hand, and a historically conceived, changing society, on the other. An exploration of the history of education may reveal that this clear-cut separation has been constantly challenged and undermined by hybrid phenomena and networks between these two realms. Nature has classically been a contentious subject within educational thinking, yet nature has not only been a point of reference for ideas and theories, but for educational practices as well. The European Enlightenment repositioned nature as a determining arena and the backdrop for educational practices. Since then, nature has become a central reference point for educational thinking and practices in a variety of forms and dimensions:

Nature has proved a somewhat contradictory argument in pedagogic reflection. It has been viewed both as a method guiding educational practices and a standard by which to measure those practices. It is assumed that nature’s ‘mode’ of teaching and its ‘method’ – using Rousseau’s fixed points in the educational discussion – are to be followed. At the same time, nature has been defined as one of the aims of education insofar as education was defined as the creation of a second nature in humankind, a transformed nature, which produces ‘real’ humans from untamed animal-like creatures. Many nuances and variations shaped the modern educational scene, from an anti-feudal point of view focusing on the ‘unnatural’ stratification of society, to nature as an irrefutable determiner of a person’s ‘natural’ gifts and dispositions. Finally, nature has been a notorious argument within projects seeking a consistent reform of education and instruction. Nature has been not only a legitimising concept for different projects; it has also been a discursive weapon against the perceived ‘decay of values’ and ‘evils’ of society.

Nature is a key point of reference while constructing educational relationships and settings and therefore plays a central role in educational practices. On the one hand, nature may be understood as a call to action for educators, highlighting those practices credited with advancing the nature of students and pupils or at least pushing them to the limits of their learning capacities, yet on the other hand, nature also delineates the finite possibilities of education. Discourses concerning nature and education vary widely and include theories such as human nature being intrinsically ductile; the construction of the concept of intelligence primarily understood as a limit to the potential of individual development; all types of theories concerning giftedness; and contemporary discussions about the moral and legal right

of educators to intervene with mechanical, chemical, and digital enhancement possibilities, including neuro-enhancement. In this context the central question arises of whether nature as a concept works as a differentiating instrument for the increasingly challenged dichotomy between nature and culture.

‘Nature’ continues to be perceived as an educative tool in itself. For instance, natural environments for learning have been reclaimed as being a counterbalance of the artificial environment of education. Here, green playgrounds, school gardens, the contemplation of forests and landscapes, the use of purportedly ‘responsive’ animals in education and therapy are some of the remedies that have been discussed. Not only imagined nature, or nature as discourse, but elements and constellations of ‘real’ nature have been integrated into educational arrangements. As recent approaches in environmental or animal history show, analysing education in purely social and cultural terms may be a shortcoming stemming from a persistent and dominant worldview that only addresses humankind.

Finally, since the ascendance of a modern understanding of ‘science’, the natural world has increasingly become part of the content of teaching and learning itself. This has occurred in all types and at all levels of schools, from kindergartens to universities and includes not only formal educational institutions, but non-formal and informal educational practices as well. In particular, school subjects focusing on nature have markedly shaped and accelerated the consolidation of modern schooling as an agent of production, distribution and consumption of knowledge working on the assumption that schools teach not only substantive but also disciplinary knowledge.

This interplay of nature, society, and education in the histories of education is the main topic of the conference. ISCHE 40 will be a powerful platform for historicizing the present and for exploring the theoretical and empirical richness of history of education as a field.

The following themes would be of interest for the conference: * Nature as argument in educational discussions and theories; * Anti-nature and antinaturalism as drivers of modern educational practices and discourses; * The nature(s) of the human being in educational contexts and practices; * Nature and civilization; nature and technology; nature and ecologies; * Nature and the natural world as educational settings; * Nature as a medium and subject of education; * Animals and the human; * The urban and the natural child. Deadline for submission: January 31, 2018; Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2018. Additional information at: http://conferences.ische.org/ocs-2.3.6/index.php/2018/2018/schedConf/cfp



C.1. International Educators of Illinois (IEI) is a state-level organization that promotes and supports the professional development of individuals in the field of international education through collaboration, workshops, conferences, and leadership opportunities within the state of Illinois. IEI is currently seeking interns. Responsibilities include: collecting information from conference, presenters, assisting with the preparation of conference materials and schedule, work at conference check-in table, and on-site both conference days, and more! Send an statement of interest and resume to IEI Chair, Lily Huang: qiao.lily.huang@gmail.com.



D.1 Al Qasimi Foundation is searching for a Research Associate. The Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research was established in 2009 to aid in the social, cultural, and economic development of Ras Al Khaimah, a northern emirate in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The Foundation’s mission is to generate a world-class body of research on Ras Al Khaimah and the broader UAE region, develop local capacity, and engage the community in its work. The Research Associate is responsible for conducting, supporting, and promoting high quality research focused on the Al Qasimi Foundation’s (AQF’s) four research areas (education, community development, health and well-being, and arts and culture), with a particular focus on education. The Research Associate reports to the Director of Research and is part of the Research Department. This position works closely with all research and capacity development staff to plan, conduct, and evaluate internal research and programs. It also works collaboratively with external partners both locally and overseas for research initiatives. TO APPLY Candidates must complete the application form on the Foundation’s website: www.alqasimifoundation.com. The completed form, resume, cover letter, two English writing samples, and three references (with contact details) should be sent to jobs@alqasimifoundation.rak.ae. Incomplete materials will not be considered.

D.2. The Department of Educational Studies at the University of South Carolina invites applications for a full-time (9-month) tenure track position in Educational Foundations and Inquiry at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor to begin August 2018. The position provides an opportunity to join a dynamic intellectual community in a College of Education committed to social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion. We seek a scholar to join a faculty team who explore issues of cultural, historical, political, social, and comparative/international contexts of education and who advocate for access, equity, and justice for all students. The program in Educational Foundations and Inquiry seeks scholars who are engaged in critical social and political analyses of educational issues in the history/politics of education particularly in the U.S. Scholars may specialize in a number of areas including: activism/social movements, indigenous experience/methodology, immigration, or queer theory. Successful candidates will demonstrate interest in applying and developing critical/postcritical analyses of issues in education or socio-cultural, political, and institutional contexts of schools; producing a compelling research agenda; securing external funding to support research and establishing a record of research publications; teaching undergraduate and graduate educational foundations courses and qualitative inquiry courses; contributing to the development of the PhD in Educational Foundations and Inquiry and the Certificate Program in Qualitative Research; providing advisement and research mentoring to graduate students pursuing a PhD in Educational Foundations and Inquiry and the Qualitative Research Certificate; serving on doctoral dissertation committees, and on departmental, college and university level committees. For more information https://uscjobs.sc.edu/postings/20120

D.3. The University of Dayton, Department of Teacher Education is seeking a dynamic faculty member with a specialization in Foundations of Education. This tenure-track, full-time position requires teaching three (3) courses per semester, beginning August 16, 2018. The successful candidate will support undergraduate and graduate courses in Foundations of Education, including philosophy of education and contemporary perspectives on schools and schooling. The candidate will also produce scholarship relevant to the position and engage in service to the university and broader community. Qualified Candidates must be ABD toward Ph.D. or ED. in Foundations of Education or Ph.D. in Philosophy, anticipated completion no later than December 7, 2018; articulated knowledge of p-12 education in the United States; demonstrated potential to be a recognized scholar in the field; excellent written communication skills. Interested persons should submit a letter of application addressing qualifications, accomplishments, and interest in the position; curriculum vitae; a document describing anticipated

scholarly activity; if ABD, letter from adviser attesting to anticipated date of completion; contact information for three current professional references, and informal transcripts of all coursework. Applications must be submitted electronically to https://jobs.udayton.edu/postings/24698 Review of applications will begin immediately and the position will remain open until December 7, 2017. For more information about this position, contact Dr. Katie Kinnucan-Welsch, Chair of Foundations of Education Search Committee at kkinnucanwelsch1@udayton.edu.

D.4. The University of San Fransico School of Education invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position commencing Fall 2018 in: Critical Educational Foundations & Community Engaged Scholarship. The Assistant Professor will be housed in the International and Multicultural Education (IME) Department, and support the General Education curriculum where educational foundations and methodology courses are offered for Masters (MA) and Doctoral-level (EdD) students. The successful candidate should have a program of research that addresses problems of educational inequalities through engaged scholarship. The candidate should have expertise in critical approaches to research, theories and pedagogies and examine the relationship between schooling and unequal social relations, such as related to race, class, culture, language, religion, sexuality, gender, and/or nation. We are especially interested in candidates with a strong grounding in engaged scholarship with schools and communities, who employ innovative uses of qualitative, quantitative and/or mixed methods. The position will be housed in the IME Department and also support the General Education curriculum. The successful candidate will play an integral role in working with the doctoral steering committee to revise doctoral curriculum across the School of Education towards a greater focus on social justice and community-engaged scholarship. Job responsibilities include

-Teaching courses on social and critical theories of education, research methodologies in education, as well as courses in the candidate’s area of research expertise -Conducting research and publishing scholarly work in education -Contributing to IME programs/department including supervising student theses/field projects and doctoral dissertations -Assisting with student recruitment, enrollment and advising -Contributing to the School of Education and university initiatives and mission, including building partnerships with schools and communities

All interested candidates should have an EdD or PhD in Education or a related field with an emphasis on critical foundations, research, theories and/or pedagogies, be able to teach research methods and the candidate’s research area should be social justice-oriented and/or interdisciplinary (i.e., anthropology, sociology, political geography, feminist studies, and/or cultural studies). Specific areas of focus in the IME Department are: ethnic studies, gender, LGBTQI issues in education, sustainability, decolonizing education, among others.

Applicants must complete the online application. All required application documents (letter of interest, curriculum vitae, graduate transcripts, and three letters of recommendation) are to be uploaded.

The preferred method to submit recommendation letters is to upload to all three letters as one document and submit with application. If you would prefer to send your letters directly to the search committee please submit application and email letters to Heysoll Alvarez at halvarez2@usfca.edu. If you encounter any issues submitting your application please contact Heysoll Alvarez at halvarez2@usfca.edu. Any questions regarding this position can be directed to the Search Committee Chair, Dr. Monisha Bajaj, at mibajaj@usfca.edu. Review of completed applications will begin on December 11, 2017 and continue until the position is filled.


This newsletter comes out every 2-3 weeks during the academic year. If you are an alumnus of or friend of the Cultural and Educational Policy Studies (CEPS) program in the School of Education at Loyola University Chicago you may sign up to receive this newsletter at http://lists.luc.edu/listinfo/ceps-alumni

Submissions for inclusion in future Newsletters can be sent to Janese Nolan at Jnolan7@luc.edu
