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CEPS Alumnus Dr. Bruce Collet honored with LUC SOE Alumnus Award


CEPS Professor Noah W. Sobe and CEPS Emeritus Professor Gerald Gutek with Dr. Bruce Collet (Bowling Green State University)

On Saturday November 1st at the School of Education Alumni Brunch Dr. Bruce Collet a CEPS Alumnus was presented with Loyola University Chicago School of Education Outstanding Alumnus Award.  In recognizing Dr. Collet’s accomplishments and worthiness of this recognition, CEPS Program Chair Noah W. Sobe read the following laudatium:

A 2006 graduate from the Cultural and Educational Policy Studies program at Loyola University Chicago, Dr. Collet is now a tenured faculty member in the educational foundations program at Bowling Green State University where he enjoys tremendous success as a teacher and a researcher.  He teaches courses on education in a pluralistic society, philosophy of education, cultural studies in education, as well as comparative education and comparative higher education.  Dr. Collet’s research focuses on forced migration and education, immigrant education, globalization and education, as well as community-based participatory research.  He has studies Iraqi refugee high school students in Detroit, teacher quality in Belize, and – on a Fulbright-Hays grant, multiculturalism and Arab identities in Jordan.  He has a lengthy publication record including articles on Somali diaspora students in Toronto (the subject of his dissertation here under supervision of now Emeritus Professor Erwin H. Epstein) and has a forthcoming piece on securitization and refugee schooling in the case of North Koreans in South Korea and Iraqis in Jordan.  His reputation as a highly respected and successful scholar is evidenced by his recent appointment as Senior Editor of the journal Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education.   Dr. Collet fits the very model of the Loyola University Chicago vision of producing professionals who work in the service of social justice.  The interest he has taken in improving the lives and educational opportunities for disenfranchised and historically marginalized groups clearly exemplifies this vision.  It is my pleasure and honor to present this award and to recognize an outstanding alumnus of the Loyola University Chicago School of Education.